Agenda, decisions and minutes
Venue: The Guildhall, Chard
Contact: Jo Morris, Case Services Officer (Support Services) - 01935 462055 Email:
No. | Item | ||||
To approve as a correct record the Minutes of the Previous Meeting held on 17th January 2018 Minutes: The minutes of the meeting held on 17th January 2018, copies of which had been circulated, were taken as read, and having been approved were signed as a correct record of the meeting. |
Apologies for Absence Minutes: Apologies for absence were submitted on behalf of Councillors Ric Pallister, Sue Osborne and Garry Shortland. |
Declarations of Interest In accordance with the Council's current Code of Conduct (as amended 26 February 2015), which includes all the provisions relating to Disclosable Pecuniary Interests (DPI), personal and prejudicial interests, Members are asked to declare any DPI and also any personal interests (and whether or not such personal interests are also "prejudicial") in relation to any matter on the agenda for this meeting. Members are reminded that they need to declare the fact that they are also a member of a County, Town or Parish Council as a Personal Interest. Where you are also a member of Somerset County Council and/or a Town or Parish Council within South Somerset you must declare a prejudicial interest in any business on the agenda where there is a financial benefit or gain or advantage to Somerset County Council and/or a Town or Parish Council which would be at the cost or to the financial disadvantage of South Somerset District Council. Planning Applications Referred to the Regulation Committee The following members of this Committee are also members of the Council's Regulation Committee: Councillors Mike Best, Angie Singleton and Martin Wale. Where planning applications are referred by this Committee to the Regulation Committee for determination, Members of the Regulation Committee can participate and vote on these items at the Area Committee and at Regulation Committee. In these cases the Council's decision-making process is not complete until the application is determined by the Regulation Committee. Members of the Regulation Committee retain an open mind and will not finalise their position until the Regulation Committee. They will also consider the matter at Regulation Committee as Members of that Committee and not as representatives of the Area Committee. Minutes: Cllr. Val Keitch declared a personal interest in Agenda Item 8 – Grant to Ilminster Warehouse Theatre Expansion Appeal, as mayor of Ilminster Town Council.
Cllr. Linda Vijeh declared a personal interest in Agenda Item 8 – Grant to Ilminster Warehouse Theatre Expansion Appeal, as a member of Somerset County Council.
Cllr. Dave Bulmer declared a personal interest in Agenda Item 9 – Grant to Chard Tennis Club, as a member of Chard Town Council.
Cllr. Amanda Broom declared a personal interest in Agenda Item 9 – Grant to Chard Tennis Club, as a member of Chard Town Council and Somerset County Council.
Prior to the planning applications being discussed, Cllr. Angie Singleton declared a personal interest in Planning Application Nos. 17/03983/FUL and 17/03984/LBC, as one of the objectors to the application was a friend. |
Date and Venue for Next Meeting Councillors are requested to note that the next Area West Committee meeting is scheduled to be held on Wednesday 21st March 2018 at The Guildhall, Chard. Minutes: Members noted that the next meeting of the Area West Committee would be held on Wednesday 21st March 2018 at 6.00pm at The Guildhall, Chard. |
Public Question Time This is a chance to ask questions, make comments and raise matters of concern. Parish/Town Councils may also wish to use this opportunity to ask for the District Council’s support on any matter of particular concern to their Parish/Town. Anyone wishing to raise matters in relation to items on the agenda may do so at the time the item is considered. Minutes: There were no questions from members of the public. |
Chairman's Announcements Minutes: The Chairman made no announcements. |
Citizens Advice South Somerset (CASS) PDF 20 KB Minutes: The Chairman welcomed Angela Kerr, Chief Executive Officer, Citizens Advice South Somerset (CASS) to the meeting. With the aid of a powerpoint presentation she informed members of the work and future development of Citizens Advice South Somerset. Points mentioned during her presentation included the following: · CASS had increased its services in Chard and Ilminster and were currently looking at improving provision in Crewkerne; · A similar number of clients were being dealt with however the complexity of cases and length of time spent on cases was changing; · The main client issues were around benefits and tax credits, debt and housing; · Help could be accessed through many different channels, such as Skype, e-mail or face to face; · Across the network there had been an increase in the number of younger clients; · Ambitions for the future included extending outreach to weekly in every town; working more closely with health & other advice centres; continuing to invest in Skype and focusing on priority groups; · Help could be accessed through many different channels, such as Skype, e-mail or face to face; · New volunteering and internship opportunities; · Working with various partners to help build confidence with Mental Health clients and Legal advice; · Fuel Poverty advice sessions; · Working closely with Surviving Winter Scheme and Wessex Water; · Changes expected due to the General Data Protection Regulations; · Working with SSDC to help support the requirements of the new Homeless Reduction Act. The Chief Executive Officer, Citizens Advice South Somerset responded to member’s questions on points of detail. The Chairman thanked Angela Kerr, Chief Executive, Citizens Advice South Somerset for attending the meeting. |
Grant to Ilminster Warehouse Theatre Expansion Appeal (Executive Decision) PDF 134 KB Decision:
Reason: To consider a grant towards the capital purchase of a building next to the existing theatre, as part of the theatre’s extension programme. Minutes: The Arts Development Officer explained that Ilminster Warehouse Theatre was requesting a grant of £12,500 towards the capital purchase of a building next to the existing theatre, which was a once in a lifetime opportunity and would allow them to extend their facilities and services to the local community. She advised that Ilminster Town Council were unable to make a financial contribution towards the project but had sent a letter of strong support.
The Committee was addressed by Kate Murdoch, a Trustee of Ilminster Warehouse Theatre. She explained that this was a once in a lifetime opportunity and there would be no other opportunities to expand. There were currently 76 children involved with the Youth Theatre and dressing room space was limited with no space to undertake smaller activities. They also had issues with the building of sets due to conflicts with rehearsal space. The facility was also used by schools and was a valuable community facility. Members were informed that 500 people had made personal donations and the youth theatre had run an excellent enterprise scheme.
During the discussion on the application members expressed their support for the project. Members referred to the extent of fundraising activities that had been undertaken and the theatre being well supported and an important community facility. Members agreed to make an exception to normal policy and unanimously approved the recommendation of the report subject to the deletion of the words ‘and a financial contribution is secured on the last bullet point under the special conditions.
A member felt that it would be beneficial to have update on the project in 12 months’ time to see how the project had developed.
Reason: To consider a grant towards the capital purchase of a building next to the existing theatre, as part of the theatre’s extension programme. |
Grant to Chard Tennis Club (Executive Decision) PDF 127 KB Decision:
Reason: To consider a grant towards the resurfacing of Chard Tennis Club courts. Minutes: The Neighbourhood Development Officer explained that Chard Tennis Cub was requesting a grant of £8,000 towards the resurfacing of Chard Tennis Club courts. The Club had undertaken some fundraising and were committing 50% of funds towards the project. She advised that the Club was currently awaiting the results of an application to Chard Town Council. The Lawn Tennis Association were supportive of the project and had offered an interest free loan.
The Committee was addressed by Jackie Boothman representing Chard Tennis Club. She explained that the tarmac courts were not all-weather; became slippery after rain and frost and were also hard on the limbs. The proposed carpet court would not become slippery and be more suitable for senior players and would allow the club to enter national competitions. She advised that following the grant from Sport England a new club house had been installed and every effort made to publicise the club.
During the discussion, members expressed their support for the application. They referred to the Club being very proactive and well supported in Chard and the surrounding area. Members unanimously approved the recommendation of the report.
Reason: To consider a grant towards the resurfacing of Chard Tennis Club courts. |
Area West - Reports from Members on Outside Bodies PDF 83 KB Additional documents: Minutes: Ile Youth Centre Management Committee
Members noted the verbal update given by Cllr. Val Keitch on Ile Youth Centre.
Making It Local Executive Group
Members noted the report submitted by Cllr. Martin Wale. |
Area West Committee - Forward Plan PDF 143 KB Minutes: The Communities Lead advised that there were no updates to the Area West Forward Plan.
SSDC Welfare Advice Work in South Somerset (For Information Only) PDF 275 KB Minutes: Members noted the update report on the work of the Welfare Advice Team.
Additional documents: Minutes: Members noted the appeals received and an appeal dismissed as outlined in the agenda report.
Schedule of Planning Applications to be Determined by Committee PDF 89 KB Minutes: Members noted the schedule of planning applications to be determined as outlined in the agenda. |
Minutes: Application Proposal: Alterations and change of use of former sunday school to café/restaurant (Use class A3) to include removal of 2m of natural stone wall to form pedestrian access and erection of covered walkway. Display of 2 No. fascia signs, 1 No. hanging sign and exterior lighting
The Planning Officer introduced the report and with the aid of slides and photographs summarised the details of the application and outlined the key considerations. He confirmed that 7 objections from 5 different households and 3 letters of support had been received. A further letter had been received from the Parish Council confirming that they were content with the parking situation. The Planning Officer read a further letter of objection from a local resident requesting a condition to obscure the glass on the windows overlooking the churchyard. The Planning Officer’s recommendation was for approval subject to conditions. He proposed an additional condition to ensure that details of external lighting would be submitted and agreed prior to commencement.
In response to questions from Members, the Planning Officer confirmed that:-
· The building was in the ownership of the applicant; · The Conservation Officer was content for the windows to the eastern elevation to be obscure glazed.
The Committee was addressed by I Hall, representing Merriott Parish Council. He made the following points:
· The Parish Council was satisfied that up to 300m of parking was available most of the day; · No objections had been received from the Church or the School; · Referred to the tranquillity of the area being important but felt on balance that the proposal would not cause a disturbance; · The lighting and signage was very modest; · The room was currently redundant and had to have a future use.
A Bibb, an objector to the application raised the following concerns: · Concerns over highway safety due to the busy road; · Close to School, Church and Pre-school and was very hectic at dropping off and picking up times; · Loss of privacy for people tending graves near to the building; · The facility would destroy the tranquillity of the area; · Concerns over illuminated signs; · No need for the development in the village.
The Committee was addressed by J Wilson, one of the applicants. She referred to her love of the countryside and the intention to open a cycle café. They had put a lot of hard work into the business venture, left long term careers and hoped to provide a worthwhile facility for Merriott.
The Applicant’s Agent, C Allers Hankey made the following points: · The development was an opportunity to create a small local business, would generate employment and invest in a building that had been vacant for five years; · The majority of footfall would not arrive by car however on-street parking was available. A D1 use of the building had the potential to generate a more significant parking use; · No objections had been raised by local residents; · The outside seating area was small which would restrict the number of users; · The building could accommodate a number ... view the full minutes text for item 124. |
Minutes: Application Proposal: Alterations and change of use of former sunday school to café/restaurant (Use class A3) to include removal of 2m of natural stone wall to form pedestrian access and erection of covered walkway. Display of 2 No. fascia signs, 1 No. hanging sign and exterior lighting
It was proposed and seconded to approve the application as per the Planning Officer’s recommendation subject to an additional condition to ensure that details of all external lighting shall be submitted and approved in writing prior to installation. On being put to the vote the proposal was unanimously supported.