Agenda and minutes

Venue: Council Chamber B, Council Offices, Brympton Way, Yeovil. View directions

Contact: Jo Morris, Case Officer - 01935 462055  Email:

No. Item


To approve as a correct record the Minutes of the Previous Meeting


The minutes of the Licensing Committee held on 10th September 2019 were approved as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.


The minutes of the Licensing Sub Committee held on 2nd September 2019 were approved as a correct and signed by the Chairman.


Apologies for Absence


An apology for absence was received from Councillor Linda Vijeh.


Declarations of Interest

In accordance with the Council's current Code of Conduct (as amended 26 February 2015), which includes all the provisions relating to Disclosable Pecuniary Interests (DPI), personal and prejudicial interests, Members are asked to declare any DPI and also any personal interests (and whether or not such personal interests are also "prejudicial") in relation to any matter on the Agenda for this meeting.


At the time the item was discussed, Councillor Tony Lock declared a personal interest in Agenda Item 12 as a customer of the taxi company.


Public Participation at Committees

a)    Questions/comments from members of the public

This is a chance for members of the public and representatives of Parish/Town Councils to participate in the meeting by asking questions, making comments and raising matters of concern.


The Committee was addressed by two members of the public who questioned when the Taxi Licensing Policy would be amended and the application process simplified.


In response the Chairman advised that the Taxi Licensing Policy was due to be discussed as part of Agenda Item 5.


Update on Old Station Road Taxi Rank and the Taxi Licensing Policy pdf icon PDF 88 KB

Additional documents:


The Specialist – Licensing introduced the report.  She advised that the remarking of the taxi rank on Old Station Road, Yeovil to include new markings on the tarmac, the removal of markings for the allowance for wheelchairs and provision of additional bays would require a formal consultation process and variation procedure.  She suggested that as an alternative the signage could be changed which would eliminate the requirement to consult and advertise changes to the rank.  She also referred to there being implications in relation to Yeovil Refresh and recommended that it may be beneficial to engage with the Yeovil Refresh Board before making any decision on changing the signage on the rank.


During the discussion, members made the following comments:


·         Noted that there was an ongoing car parking review which could have implications for the car park.

·         Concern that further changes may be made to the car park and the preferred option would be to defer the decision until further information was known about the implications of the Car Park Review and Yeovil Refresh.

·         There was a need for the Taxi Licensing Policy to be reviewed as a matter of urgency.

·         Support for consultation to take place with the Yeovil Refresh Board before any decision is made on changing the signage on the rank.

·         It was suggested that the Portfolio Holder should be involved in the process of reviewing the Taxi Licensing Policy and invited to attend the meetings.

·         It was noted that the policy stated that all new vehicle applications should be restricted to purpose built wheelchair accessible vehicles until 20% of the total hackney carriage fleet was wheelchair accessible.  Currently 48% of the vehicles were wheelchair accessible therefore the policy had been met.


In response to a questions, the Specialist – Licensing confirmed the following:


·         The whole of the Taxi Licensing Policy would be reviewed.   A meeting was being held later in the month to start the process.

·         The current stock of licence plates showing the old Council logo would be used up first so there would be a period of time where there would be a mixture of plates showing the old and new Council logo. 

·         Licence plates were valid for one year. It would take about six months for the old plates to no longer be in use.

·         A review of the Taxi Licensing Policy covered a number of different areas and would require a lot of work from officers including consultation with the taxi drivers and members of the public.  It may not be possible to bring a draft policy back to the next scheduled meeting of the Licensing Committee in March.


At the conclusion of the debate, members agreed that the Taxi Licensing Policy should be reviewed as a matter of urgency and be brought back to the next Licensing Committee scheduled to be held on 10th March 2020 or as soon as practicable after this date.  Members were of the view that the decision on changing the signage on the ranks should  ...  view the full minutes text for item 21.


Exclusion of the Press and Public pdf icon PDF 29 KB



That Agenda Items 7-19 be considered in Closed Session by virtue of the Local Government Act 1972, Schedule 12A under paragraph 1: “Information relating to any individual for, or recipient or form recipient of any service provided by the authority.”  It is considered that the public interest in maintaining the exemption from the Access to Information Rules outweighs the public interest in disclosing the information.



Permission to apply for a non-wheelchair accessible hackney carriage vehicle licence (1) (Confidential)


This item was considered in closed session.


The Specialist – Licensing introduced the report and responded to members questions on points of detail.


The Committee was addressed by the applicant who explained the reasons for his request.


Members unanimously approved the request to allow the taxi driver to submit an application for a vehicle which is less than 5 years old and not wheelchair accessible.



That the request to allow the taxi driver to submit an application for a vehicle which is less than 5 years old and not wheelchair accessible, which would replace the current licenced vehicle be approved.


(Voting: unanimous)



Permission to apply for a non-wheelchair accessible hackney carriage vehicle licence (2) (Confidential)


This item was considered in closed session.


The Specialist – Licensing introduced the report.


The Committee was addressed by the applicant who explained the reasons for his request.


Members unanimously approved the request to allow the taxi driver to submit an application for a vehicle which is less than 5 years old and not wheelchair accessible.



That the request to allow the taxi driver to submit an application for a vehicle which is less than 5 years old and not wheelchair accessible, which would replace the current licenced vehicle be approved.


(Voting: unanimous)



Permission to apply for a non-wheelchair accessible Hackney Carriage vehicle licence (3) (Confidential)


This item was considered in closed session.


The Specialist – Licensing introduced the report and responded to members questions on points of detail.


Members considered the request submitted by the applicant outlined in the agenda report.


Members unanimously approved the request to allow the taxi driver to submit an application for a vehicle which is less than 5 years old and not wheelchair accessible.



That the request to allow the taxi driver to submit an application for a vehicle which is less than 5 years old and not wheelchair accessible, which would replace the current licenced vehicle be approved.


(Voting: unanimous)



Permission to apply for a non-wheelchair accessible Hackney Carriage vehicle licence (4) (Confidential)


This item was considered in closed session.


Members considered the request outlined in the agenda report.


Members unanimously approved the request to allow the taxi driver to submit an application for a vehicle which is less than 5 years old and not wheelchair accessible.



That the request to allow the applicant to submit an application for a vehicle which is less than 5 years old and not wheelchair accessible be approved.


(Voting: unanimous)



Permission to apply for a non-wheelchair accessible hackney carriage vehicle licence (5) (Confidential)


This item was considered in closed session.


The Committee was addressed by the applicant who explained the reasons for his request.


Members unanimously approved the request to allow the taxi driver to submit two applications for vehicles which are less than 5 years old and not wheelchair accessible which would replace the current licensed vehicles.



That the request to allow the taxi driver to submit two applications for  vehicles which are less than 5 years old and not wheelchair accessible, which would replace the current licenced vehicles be approved.

(Voting: unanimous)



Permission to apply for a non-wheelchair accessible hackney carriage vehicle licence (6) (Confidential)


This item was considered in closed session.


Two representatives on behalf of the applicant were present at the meeting and responded to members’ queries on points of detail.


During consideration of the item, Councillor Tony Lock declared a personal interest as a customer of the taxi company.


Members unanimously approved the request to allow the taxi driver to submit three applications for vehicles which are less than 5 years old and not wheelchair accessible which would replace the current licensed vehicles.



That the request to allow the taxi driver to submit three applications for  vehicles which are less than 5 years old and not wheelchair accessible, which would replace the current licenced vehicles be approved.

(Voting: unanimous)



Permission to apply for a non-wheelchair accessible hackney carriage vehicle licence (7) (Confidential)


This item was considered in closed session.


The Committee was addressed by the applicant who explained the reasons for his request.


Members considered the applicant’s request and unanimously approved the request to allow the taxi driver to submit an application for a vehicle which is less than 5 years old and not wheelchair accessible.



That the request to allow the taxi driver to submit an application for a vehicle which is less than 5 years old and not wheelchair accessible, which would replace the current licenced vehicle be approved.


(Voting: unanimous)



Permission to apply for a non-wheelchair accessible hackney carriage vehicle licence (8) (Confidential)


This item was considered in closed session.


The applicant was present at the meeting and responded to members’ queries on points of detail.


Members unanimously approved the request to allow the taxi driver to submit an application for a vehicle which is less than 5 years old and not wheelchair accessible.



That the request to allow the taxi driver to submit an application for a vehicle which is less than 5 years old and not wheelchair accessible, which would replace the current licenced vehicle be approved.


(Voting: unanimous)



Permission to apply for a non-wheelchair accessible hackney carriage vehicle licence (9) (Confidential)


This item was considered in closed session.


The Committee was addressed by the applicant who explained the reasons for his request.


Members unanimously approved the request to allow the taxi company to submit an application for a vehicle which is less than 5 years old and not wheelchair accessible.



That the request to allow the taxi company to submit an application for a vehicle which is less than 5 years old and not wheelchair accessible be approved.


(Voting: unanimous)



Permission to apply for a non-wheelchair accessible hackney carriage vehicle licence (10) (Confidential)


This item was considered in closed session.


The applicant was present at the meeting and responded to members’ queries on points of detail.


Members unanimously approved the request to allow the taxi driver to submit an application for a vehicle which is less than 5 years old and not wheelchair accessible.



That the request to allow the taxi driver to submit an application for a vehicle which is less than 5 years old and not wheelchair accessible, which would replace the current licenced vehicle be approved.


(Voting: unanimous)



Permission to apply for a non-wheelchair accessible hackney carriage vehicle licence (11) (Confidential)


This item was considered in closed session.


The applicant was present at the meeting and responded to members’ queries on points of detail.


Members unanimously approved the request to allow the taxi driver to submit an application for a vehicle which is less than 5 years old and not wheelchair accessible.



That the request to allow the taxi driver to submit an application for a vehicle which is less than 5 years old and not wheelchair accessible.


(Voting: unanimous)



Permission to apply for a non-wheelchair accessible hackney carriage vehicle licence (12) (Confidential)


This item was considered in closed session.


The applicant was present at the meeting and responded to members’ queries on points of detail.


Members unanimously approved the request to allow the taxi driver to submit an application for a vehicle which is less than 5 years old and not wheelchair accessible.



That the request to allow the taxi driver to submit an application for a vehicle which is less than 5 years old and not wheelchair accessible, which would replace the current licensed vehicle be approved.


(Voting: unanimous)



Permission to apply for a non-wheelchair accessible hackney carriage vehicle licence (13) (Confidential)


This item was considered in closed session.


The applicant was present at the meeting and responded to members’ queries on points of detail.


Members unanimously approved the request to allow the taxi driver to submit an application for a vehicle which is less than 5 years old and not wheelchair accessible.



That the request to allow the taxi driver to submit an application for a vehicle which is less than 5 years old and not wheelchair accessible, which would replace the current licenced vehicle be approved.


(Voting: unanimous)



Date of Next Meeting pdf icon PDF 27 KB


Members noted that the next scheduled meeting of the Licensing Committee would be held on Tuesday 10th March 2020 at 10.00am in Council Chamber B, the Council Offices, Brympton Way, Yeovil.