Agenda item

Grant to Norton sub Hamdon Village Hall Trust (Executive Decision)




That a grant of £5,000 be awarded to Norton Sub Hamdon Village Hall Trust, the grant to be allocated from the Area North Capital Programme (Local Priority Schemes), subject to SSDC standard conditions for community grants (as per Appendix A of the agenda report).


To provide financial support towards the costs of a programme of improvements to the village hall in Norton Sub Hamdon.


(Voting: unanimous in favour )



The Neighbourhood Development Officer advised that the application for £5,000 was towards a programme of works at Norton sub Hamdon Village Hall which included replacing the decking, patio doors and painting the wooden cladding.  She noted that the hall was a popular venue used by all age groups and the proposal met both SSDC Corporate targets and the Area North Development Plan.


Lindsay Elliott of the Norton sub Hamdon Village Hall Trust said the proposed work was supported by the Parish Council and by local residents holding events and donating funds.  The proposed materials would be durable so there would be lower maintenance costs in the future.


Councillor Sylvia Seal, the Ward Member, said the hall was a very popular wedding venue and it was important that it was kept in the best possible repair.  She said local people worked tirelessly to fundraise and proposed the grant be awarded.  This was seconded and on being put to the vote, was unanimously agreed by members.



That a grant of £5,000 be awarded to Norton Sub Hamdon Village Hall Trust, the grant to be allocated from the Area North Capital Programme (Local Priority Schemes), subject to SSDC standard conditions for community grants (as per Appendix A of the agenda report).


To provide financial support towards the costs of a programme of improvements to the village hall in Norton Sub Hamdon.


(Voting: unanimous in favour)


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