Agenda item
Yeovil Western Corridor Update
Andy Coupe, Somerset County Council’s Strategic Manager Infrastructure Programmes with the aid of slides presented members with an update of the Programme of Works.
He updated members on the works in progress and gave an overview of the future programme including:
· Huge progress had been made at Lysander Road roundabout following the opportunity to undertake night works which has helped to accelerate the programme. The signals/lighting have been erected ahead of schedule and the signals would be commissioned before Christmas.
· Good progress was being made at Westlands Roundabout with Cartgate resurfacing on schedule. The final surfacing on the roundabout has also been completed and works were ongoing to complete the road markings. This was the next set of traffic signals to be completed and expected switch on would be early in 2019.
· At Copse Road, excellent progress with night works elsewhere had afforded the opportunity to undertake night works to remove the old road surface, lay a new surface and install ducting for traffic lights. Signals and Lighting installation would commence shortly, and the signals would be commissioned early 2019.
· The works at Bluebell Roundabout were largely complete with finishing works ongoing. The interim road safety audit had been completed. The scheme designer was currently considering the report and any appropriate measures which need to be undertaken.
· The Stourton Way toucan crossing was now largely complete. Street Lighting works were continuing to disconnect the existing columns on the northern section of cycleway and install supplies to the new columns located within the green areas.
· The Preston Road roundabout would be the focus of works once the Westland and Lysander works were complete. Works on Lufton Way associated with drainage and road construction would complete before Christmas when the associated road closure will be lifted. Works have commenced on the strengthened embankment on the Asda corner of the junction.
He said there were about 80 staff working on the programme and that the full benefits of the scheme would only be achieved once all works had been complete. He pointed out that as with any new junction or road layout, the changes would take time to get used to particularly the Westlands roundabout and that they would continue to explore opportunities to accelerate the works were possible.
During discussion the Strategic Manager Infrastructure Programmes noted the comments from members and responded to questions including:
· The configuration of the signals at the Copse Road Junction to facilitate movements from Stourton Way (North).
· The dropped kerb at the new exit from Asda on Bunford Lane and understood this to be a temporary pedestrian feature that would be removed when the works in that area were completed.
· Landscape works at the Preston Road junction would be undertaken at the end of the programme would be undertaken at the end of the programme once all other works had been completed.
· Concern regarding the surfacing of the Stourton Way cycle/footway. It was noted that surface had been laid to the required specification, though it was likely that ‘snagging’ works would need to be undertaken.
· Ongoing issues of the Eastern Corridor scheme, in particular the hospital roundabout, however difficult to see a connection of the Eastern and Western corridor schemes but acknowledged the need to optimise traffic flows across the town generally.
At the conclusion of the discussion members voiced their disappointment that concerns regarding the configuration of the hospital roundabout could not be reviewed as part of the Western Corridor scheme. It was suggested that this be discussed off line. It was also confirmed the next quarterly update presentation be made at the March committee.
The Chairman thanked the SCC Strategic Manager Infrastructure Programmes for his presentation.
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