Agenda item
Planning Application 18/01902/REM - Land North Of Tatworth Road And Adjacent To Forton Road, Chard
- Meeting of Area West Committee, Wednesday 20th February 2019 5.30 pm (Item 129.)
- View the declarations of interest for item 129.
Application Proposal: Reserved matters application for the erection of up to 200 dwellings including access, layout, scale and appearance, landscaping and associated ancillary works
(Having earlier declared a personal and prejudicial interest, Cllr. Jenny Kenton left the room during consideration of the application).
The Specialist – Development Management advised that following the decision to defer the application last month, a meeting was held with the applicant to allow members to outline their concerns. He referred to the issues discussed at the meeting and outlined the agreed actions in relation to layout/density, bus stops/shelters and pedestrian/cycle provision, play area/education, garages and phasing of the development.
In response to questions, members were informed of the following:
· Confirmed the tarmac links between the site and the bus stop.
· The applicant had their own management Company who would maintain the green areas.
· Maintaining the green areas was enforceable.
· The money requested as part of the legal agreement in relation to education would go towards the provision of a new school.
· The drainage scheme had been assessed by the Local Lead Flood Authority and conditions imposed relating to long term maintenance and management.
· The pavements would be adopted by County Highways.
The Committee was addressed by one member in objection to the application. He raised concerns in relation to anti-social behaviour, boundary fencing, lack of highway infrastructure and increase in traffic.
The Applicant then addressed the Committee. Some of her comments included:
· Principle of development already approved.
· Traffic assessment considered acceptable at the outline application stage.
· Bus Stops approved with continuous footpath linking the two.
· Bus stops would be clear at both ends.
· Phasing dictated by installation of the infrastructure on the site
· Secondary access would be brought in from Tatworth Road as soon as possible.
· Sustainable drainage would be managed by the Management Company.
· The density in the area adjoining the Wessex Close boundary was consistent with the rest of the site. The fencing along the boundary has been increased to 1.8 metres.
· Some of the previously agreed financial contributions would be used to improve facilities at the current play area at Ashcroft.
Ward Member Councillor Jason Baker referred to the density and closeness of properties to Wessex Close and noted that there was a good distance between the property boundaries and an increase in the boundary fence and the retention of the hedgerow. He highlighted that it had been agreed that the bus shelter at Holcombe would be replaced and there would be a new one on the opposite side with a footpath making it safer for people to access public transport. He was satisfied that the play area in the development was compliant and there was a good footpath between Ashcroft and the proposed new play area. With regard to the phasing of the development he noted that the Tatworth Road route would be opened up as soon as possible to alleviate the junction on Forton Road. He commented that there were still issues with regard to the infrastructure and road layout in Chard but was not part of this application. He highlighted the need to work with Planning Officers to try and bring the new road system on board as soon as possible with the future developments to get the link road across.
During the discussion, a member welcomed the opportunity to engage with the applicant over concerns and felt that everything had been done to achieve the best scheme possible for this site. He also welcomed the lower density adjacent to the Holbear end of the site and the tidying up of Forton Road but raised concerns about SCC’s approach to calculating education provision and the capacity of schools in Chard.
It was proposed and seconded to approve the application as per the Officer’s recommendation outlined in the agenda report. On being put to the vote the proposal was carried by 9 votes and favour and 2 against.
That Planning Application No. 18/01902/REM be APPROVED as per the Specialist’s recommendation outlined in the agenda report for the following reason:
01. This proposed sustainable development is located within part of the Council's designated area for growth in the Chard Plan and will provide much needed market and affordable housing. The development will also make contributions towards education provision, sport, play and community facilities and travel planning and provide a section of the new road link between the A30 and the A358. The site is in a sustainable location within reasonable distance of the town centre accessible by foot, cycle or bus. It would provide sufficient parking and would not adversely harm any residential amenity, landscape or ecological interests. The proposal is therefore in accord with Policies SD1, SS1, SS4, SS5, SS6, PMT1, PMT2, HG3, TA4, TA5, TA6, HW1, EQ2, and EQ4 of the South Somerset Local Plan (adopted 2015) and policies within the NPPF.
01. The development hereby approved shall be carried out in accordance with the following approved plans: Drawing numbers:
Site location plan (17144 L01.01 Rev P1) Site layout plan (17144 L02.01 Rev P1) Illustrative site layout plan (17144 L02.02 Rev P1) Boundary treatment plan (17144 L92.01 Rev P1) Boundary treatment plan (17144 L92.02 Rev P1) Boundary treatment plan (17144 L92.03 Rev P1) Boundary details (17144 L92.04 Rev P1) Boundary details (17144 L92.05 Rev P1) Hardworks plan (17144 L93.01 Rev P1) Hardworks plan (17144 L93.02 Rev P1) Hardworks plan (17144 L93.03 Rev P1) Softworks plan (17144 L94.01 Rev P1) Softworks plan (17144 L94.02 Rev P1) Softworks plan (17144 L94.03 Rev P1) Leap play area plan (17144 L94.04 Rev P1) Youth provision plan (17144 L94.05 Rev P1) HT1 Provence (17144 HT1.L.02.01 & 17144 HT1.L.04.01 & 02) HT2 Rutherford V1 (17144 HT2.L.02.01 & 17144 HT2.L.04.01 & 02) HT3A Pinewood (17144 HT3A.L.02.01 & 17144 HT3A L.04.01 - 04) HT3B Pinewood (17144 HT3B.L.02.01 & 17144 HT3B.L04.01) HT4 Pentire (17144 HT4.L.02.01 & 17144 HT4.L.04.01 - 02) HT5 Oakford (17144 HT5.L.02.01 & 17144 HT5.L.04.01 - 02) HT6 1-Bed Flat (17144 HT6.L.02.01 & 17144 HT6.L.04.01 - 02) HT7 FOG (17144 HT7.L.02.01 & 17144 HT7.L.04.01) HT8 HA 2 Bed (17144 HT8.L.02.01 & 17144 HT8.L.04.01) HT9 HA 3 Bed (17144 HT9.L.02.01 & 17144 HT8.L04.01 & 02) HT10 HA 4 Bed (17144 HT10 L.02.01 & 17144 HT10.L04.01 & 02) HT11 HA 3 Bed Wide front (17144 HT11.L.02.01 & 17144 HT11.L.04.01 & 02) G01 Garage Pack (17144 G01.L.02.00 - 02) Proposed Site Access Arrangements (SK02.01) Proposed Site Access Arrangements (SK02.02) Proposed Site Access Arrangements - Tracking Plan (SK07.01) Proposed Site Access Arrangements - Tracking Plan (SK07.02) Location Plan (S98.0)
Reason: For the avoidance of doubt and in the interests of proper planning.
02. The external materials to be used for the dwellings hereby approved shall be in accord with the submitted Materials Schedule unless otherwise approved in writing by the by Local Planning Authority.
Reason: To protect the amenity of the area to accord with Policy EQ2 of the South Somerset Local Plan.
03. No drainage shall be installed until details of the surface water drainage scheme based on sustainable drainage principles together with a programme of implementation and maintenance for the lifetime of the development have been submitted to and approved by the Local Planning Authority. Such works shall be carried out in accordance with the approved details. These details shall include: -
· Details of phasing and information regarding the provision and maintenance of any drainage systems (including temporary) in place during construction of this and any other subsequent phases. Drainage infrastructure should be constructed and implemented during the initial phase of development, to ensure no increase in flood risk through inadequate drainage provision. Where this is not possible, a clear phasing plan should be submitted to show how the drainage scheme will be implemented. · Information about the design storm period and intensity, discharge rates and volumes (both pre and post development), temporary storage facilities, means of access for maintenance (6 metres minimum), the methods employed to delay and control surface water discharged from the site, and the measures taken to prevent flooding and pollution of the receiving groundwater and/or surface waters. · Detailed Construction Drawings with manhole schedule, invert levels, landscaping details, finished floor levels, ground levels and flood storage details. · Any works required off site to ensure adequate discharge of surface water without causing flooding or pollution (which should include refurbishment of existing culverts and headwalls or removal of unused culverts where relevant). · Flood water exceedance routes both on and off site, note, no part of the site must be allowed to flood during any storm up to and including the 1 in 30 event, flooding during storm events in excess of this including the 1 in 100yr (plus 40% allowance for climate change) must be controlled within the designed exceedance routes demonstrated to prevent flooding or damage to properties. Holding areas for flood volumes generated through exceedance of the drainage system must be clearly shown on a flood exceedance plan and the developer must demonstrate the site remains safe. · A management and maintenance plan for the lifetime of the development which shall include the arrangements for adoption by an appropriate public body or statutory undertaker, management company or maintenance by a Residents' Management Company and / or any other arrangements to secure the operation and maintenance to an approved standard and working condition throughout the lifetime of the development
Reason: To ensure that the development is served by a satisfactory system of surface water drainage and that the approved system is retained, managed and maintained in accordance with the approved details throughout the lifetime of the development, to accord with the NPPF.
04. The garages hereby approved shall be used solely for vehicle parking purposes incidental to the occupation and enjoyment of the dwellinghouse which they serve. They shall not be used for, nor in connection with any commercial, trade or business purposes and shall not be converted into habitable accommodation, including domestic workshop, study, games room and similar uses, without the prior written approval of the Local Planning Authority.
Reason: To ensure the retention of parking provision and highway safety, to accord with Policy TA5 of the South Somerset Local Plan and Somerset County Council's adopted parking standards.
05. None of the dwellings hereby permitted shall be constructed above damp proof course level until a scheme of landscaping to accord with the recommendations and advice of the Council's Arborist (contained within his memo dated 10th September 2018) has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. This shall include details of all new tree/shrub/hedge planting and indications of all existing trees and hedgerows on the land, and details of any to be retained, together with measures for their protection in the course of the development, as well as details of any changes proposed in existing ground levels. All planting, seeding, turfing or earth moulding comprised in the approved details of landscaping shall be carried out in the first planting and seeding season following the occupation of the building or the completion of the development, whichever is the sooner; and any trees or plants which within a period of five years from the completion of the development die, are removed or become seriously damaged or diseased shall be replaced in the next planting season with others of similar size and species, unless the Local Planning Authority gives written consent to any variation.
Reason: To protect the amenity of the area to accord with Policy EQ2 of the South Somerset Local Plan.
(Voting: 9 in favour, 2 against)
Supporting documents: