Agenda item

Yeovil Western Corridor Update


Andy Coupe, Somerset County Council’s Strategic Manager Infrastructure Programmes with the aid of slides presented members with an update of the Programme of Works.


He updated members on the works in progress and gave an overview of the future programme including:


·         The Lysander Road junction had now commissioned, however some works to the footways were still required. He added that some further signage was also due to be installed. He indicated that initial feedback about the operation had generally been positive, explaining that the performance of the junction would be monitored.

·         All the junctions were working independently of each other and upon completion of all the schemes, they would all be working as one.

·         The Westlands through-about had been commissioned in early February. He felt that the junction was generally performing well, stating that journey times had noticeably improved, during peak times, especially from the Cartgate link.

·         He explained that he was aware of concerns regarding vehicles exiting Bunford Lane and confirmed that this was being reviewed. He also commented that final works to permanent signage and footways was still required.

·         Concerns had been noted over the strobing effect of the low level lighting used along the airfield between the Westlands and Bluebell junctions. This was being reviewed.

·         There were no further updates to the works on the Bluebell Roundabout, however the schemes designer’s response to the interim audit was being finalised and any required work would be undertaken at the earliest opportunity.

·         He had been in discussion with Asda to agree when the new Asda access would be opened.

·         The works at Copse Road had now been commissioned, however these were currently operating on temporary configurations during the daytime with a one-way system in place. He noted that the permanent configuration will need to operate when the night time closures affecting  Preston Road Roundabout were in place because the one way system on Western Avenue would need to be removed each evening and reinstated in the morning in order to give access to the Houndstone Retail Park during the evenings.

·         The Stourton Way cycle route was continuing to progress. He hoped that the remaining works could be expedited.

·         He advised that work was taking place on the north-eastern corner of the Preston Road roundabout and that some sections of the retaining wall had been completed. The next phase of works, which would commence on Monday 11th March, was to remove the existing roundabout and carry out the necessary drainage and ducting works ready for the new road layout. This would require night-time road closures, details of which had been published. These works had been timed to coincide with the Asda Petrol Filling Station works to minimise overall disruption for both the public and the business. During the evenings, the only access to the Roundabout will be from Bunford Lane and into Lufton Way. Western Avenue would be open during the evenings to maintain access to the Houndstone Business Park. Access to Asda would remain from Preston Road.

The only access through the roundabout between 8pm and 5.30am would be between Bunford Lane and Lufton Way. Traffic movements between these two arms of the roundabout would be controlled by temporary traffic lights. Access to Asda would be maintained from Preston Road. However, once the store closed at midnight, the closure would be extended to St James Park until 5.30am. While night works are underway the one-way closure on Western Avenue will be removed but will return during the day.  The overnight closures were expected to take around six weeks and will be followed by a shorter period of further overnight works involving the use of temporary multi-way traffic lights.


He explained that the primary works at Lysander, Westlands, Copse Road and Bluebell had been completed and the junctions were now signalised. The programme was still on track and the remaining works to the Preston Road junction were due for completion in June.



He advised that the overall benefits of the scheme would only be achieved once all works had been completed and that all junctions and signals were working together. He added that feedback on the schemes had generally been positive, particularly on the junctions which had been opened more recently.


During the discussion, the Strategic Manager (Infrastructure Programmes) clarified the scoot system. He advised that the signalling on junctions can work alone, or in combination. He explained that the system would allow traffic across the further area to be controlled. One member commented that it would be useful to provide further information to the public to explain how the system will work in conjunction with other junctions.


The Chairman thanked the SCC Strategic Manager Infrastructure Programmes for his presentation.


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