Agenda item
Planning Application 18/03973/R3D - Yeovil Country Park Centre Brunswick Street Yeovil
Application Proposal: Extension to rear of existing building and provision of PV panels to front elevation
The Specialist Officer – Planning presented her report to members. She explained that the application was for a single storey extension to an existing building at the Country Park in Yeovil.
Using a PowerPoint presentation she provided photographs of the site and images to show the proposed plans. She also pointed out the position of the proposed solar PV panels. She also advised members that the proposal included some hard surfacing and an outside seating area close to the existing building.
She explained to members that some objections to the application had been received and the history of the site has been raised as a concern. She pointed out that these concerns had been addressed within the report.
She considered that the size of the extension was modest and felt that this would have a limited impact on the surrounding area. She added that the building was some distance from neighbouring properties and felt that the extension would not have a demonstrable impact on residential amenity
She also felt that the solar panels would not be duly obtrusive. She also pointed out that there had been no objections from the highways authority or from the SSDC Highways Consultant with respect of highway safety or parking concerns.
Members of the public spoke in support to the proposal. Their comments included;
· Since the café opening in 2014, it has been a great success and is enjoyed by many visitors.
· There are many events planned at the country park and the café will be busy. An extension will allow rangers to use the additional space during busy times.
· Items sold in the café provide a profit to be spent within the country park. An increase in size will provide additional retail space.
· The café is important to the Countryside Team, schools, the community and is a great social place. It draws people to the park from the wider area.
· Currently a screen is used to provide a separate area for training and ranger use, however this reduces the size of the café area considerably and restricts access to the side doors.
· An extension would allow the seating area to be increased.
· The park has received many awards.
· A decade ago the park was a dark and intimidating place to visit, however the rangers and the volunteers have transformed the site into a pleasant and welcoming place.
· The buildings hosts many learning events for children and will attract tourists to the area.
· The Parish Council supports the application.
Councillor Andy Kendall, Ward Member, spoke in support of the application. He was pleased that PV solar panels had been included within the proposal. He also requested clarification over whether the application would be permitted development if it wasn’t owned by SSDC. He also felt that CCTV should be installed.
The Specialist Officer – Planning advised that the application would not be within permitted development rights due to the size of the extension. She advised that it would be unlikely that planning permission would be required for CCTV.
Councillor Kaysar Hussain, also Ward Member, offered his support to the application.
Councillor Peter Gubbins, also Ward Member, offered his support to the application.
Following the discussion, it was proposed and seconded that the planning application be approved, as per the agenda report.
On being put to the vote, this was carried by 11 votes in favour, 0 against and 1 abstention.
RESOLVED: that planning application 18/3973/R3D be approved as per the agenda report for the following reason;
01. The scheme would cause no demonstrable harm to (i) visual amenity; (ii) residential amenity; and (iii) highway safety. In addition, there would be no material exacerbation of flood risk as a consequence of this development and there is no evidence that any harm would be caused to interests of biodiversity. As such, the proposal accords with Policies SD1, SS1, EP8, EP15, EQ1, EQ2, EQ4, TA5 and TA6 of the South Somerset Local Plan and relevant guidance within the NPPF and its associated Planning Practice Guidance.
Subject to the following;
01. The development hereby permitted shall be begun before the expiration of three years from the date of this permission.
Reason: To accord with the provisions of section 91(1) of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990.
02. The development hereby permitted shall be carried out in accordance with the following approved drawings:
Site Location Plan - scale 1:1250;
Drawing no. 1381-03A "Proposed floor plan and elevations; and
Drawing no. 1381-11B "proposed site layout plan"
and the external surfaces of the new extension shall be of materials to match the existing building, as indicated on the submitted application form and the Design and Access Statement. No other external finishing materials shall be used without the prior written approval of the Local Planning Authority.
Reason: For the avoidance of doubt and in the interests of proper planning.
03. Prior to any use of the development for the purposes hereby permitted, provision for access for bats shall have been made in accordance with details previously submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. Such details shall include the number, location, design, appearance and size of bat boxes to be installed either on the new extension hereby permitted and/or the existing building. The approved bat boxes shall be maintained and retained thereafter in perpetuity, unless otherwise approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority.
Reason: In the interests of protecting biodiversity throughout construction and thereafter, having regard to Policy EQ4 of the Local Plan and relevant guidance within the NPPF.
(voting: 11 in favour, 0 against, 1 abstention)
Supporting documents: