Agenda item

Avon and Somerset Constabulary Update


The Committee welcomed Inspector Tim Coombe, Sergeant Dean Hamilton and Constable Toni Lines from Avon and Somerset Police Constabulary to the meeting. 

Sergeant Hamilton provided a short verbal presentation to explain the role of neighbourhood policing and gave examples of recent initiatives. He also referred to local crime trends and statistics.

Inspector Coombe informed members about the new local policing structure in Somerset East coming into operation on the 28th July and referred to the Somerset East Clusters and the neighbourhood policing structures. (A copy of the presentation slides is attached to these minutes for information.)

In response to comments raised by members, the police officers noted that:

·         Statistics referred to were ones which affected most people. It was not known why data about sex crimes had been removed from local statistics and an answer would be provided

·         Only digital static speed cameras would be switched on, old style film cameras would not. Central government received the revenue from fines, however grants were often received back into the constabulary area.

·         Requests for camera bikes to visit specific areas could be made through the Beat Manager.

·         Detection rates may be difficult to align with crime rates, for example where many crimes are ‘cleared up’ with one prosecution. The officers acknowledged the point that parish councils appreciate feedback on detections as well as raising awareness on current crime levels.

·         Area North would see little change as a result of the new policing structure, however a new Inspector would cover the area for approximately 6 months.

·         Police presence in Somerton wouldn’t be lost but moving or sharing premises from the existing premises was being looked into.

·         Local neighbourhood links would continue to be maintained under the new structure and resources should remain the same.

·         101 was the number to ring for all non-emergency calls.

The Area Development Manager (North) commented that in police communications the use of the word ‘Somerton’ meaning all of the Area North beats could be confused with the parish of Somerton.

The Chairman thanked Inspector Tim Coombe, Sergeant Dean Hamilton and Constable Toni Lines for attending the meeting.

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