Agenda item

Grant to Chilthorne Domer Recreational Trust (Executive Decision)


The Neighbourhood Development Officer (North) presented the grant application for funding towards refurbishment works to the pavilion, as detailed in the agenda, and highlighted the wider use of the building. She reminded members that a previous grant for other works had been awarded in 2010, and that the current application would be to improve accessibility and energy efficiency.

Ward member, Councillor Jo Roundell Greene commented that the pavilion was an example of a success story and referred to its history. She noted the building was well used by the community and was happy to recommend approval of the grant.

It was proposed to approve the grant application, as per the officer recommendation, and on being put to the vote was carried unanimously.


That a grant of £6,000 be awarded to Chilthorne Domer Recreational Trust, towards the cost of refurbishments to the pavilion, to be allocated from the Area North capital programme (Local Priority Schemes), subject to SSDC standard conditions for community grants and one special condition as detailed in appendix A to the agenda report.



To facilitate refurbishment works to the Chilthorne Domer Recreational Trust Pavilion.

(Voting: Unanimous in favour)