Agenda item

Grant to Seavington Playing Field Association (Executive Decision)


The Neighbourhood Development Officer (North) presented the grant application for funding towards new accessible footpaths, as detailed in the agenda, and highlighted the location of the overflow car parking area in relation to the Millennium Hall. Members were informed that the road to the hall and playing field was unlit and when the main car park was full, people often tried to park on the roadside verge rather than using the overflow car parking area. She noted that solar lighting was also proposed and due to gradients handrails may be required in some places.

Ward member, Councillor Paul Thompson noted that the Seavingtons were a small parish which had done a lot to provide facilities for the community. He fully supported the application.

It was proposed to approve the grant application, as per the officer recommendation, and on being put to the vote was carried unanimously. Following the vote, a member wished to commend the officer for her comprehensive reports, and other members concurred.


That a grant of £6,000 be awarded to Seavington Playing Field Association, towards the cost of new accessible footpaths, to be allocated from the Area North capital programme (Local Priority Schemes), subject to SSDC standard conditions for community grants as detailed in appendix A to the agenda report.



To facilitate the provision of new accessible footpaths at Seavington Playing Field.

(Voting: Unanimous in favour)