Agenda item

Flood recovery and 20 year Flood Action Plan Update


The Area Development Manager (North) provided members with a brief verbal update. She reminded members of the current main activities locally and gave the following progress updates:

·         Thorney ring bank – funded, designed and contract awarded. Work hoped to commence in the coming weeks.

·         Access roads to Muchelney – raising the road to Drayton the preferred option – out to public consultation

  • Muchelney ring bank – works in hand
  • Long Load bridge area ring bank – flood risk assessment to be prepared
  • Business support – ‘village agent’ appointed and in contact with local businesses
  • Support ongoing from SSDC to help to return flooded houses to homes including repair and renew grants

Ward member for Muchelney, Councillor Derek Yeomans, commented that raising the road at Muchelney was a complex project which required some land to be dedicated either side of the road. There were still issues to be overcome which might slow progress.

Other points raised during a short discussion included:

  • Concern at silting up of the Hambridge and Westport Canal
  • Growth of reeds becoming an issue near Long Load bridge
  • People were actively trying to progress the Long Load ring bank scheme which would help protect the highway – the road closure there was a major disruption to the areas’ businesses and residents accessing work and services.

Councillor Terry Mounter requested that the minutes record he was concerned about the silting up of the Hambridge and Westport Canal.