Agenda item

Grant to Kingsbury Episcopi Church Rooms Management Committee (Executive Decision)



That a grant of £4,000 be awarded to Kingsbury Episcopi Church Rooms Management Committee, towards the cost of refurbishments to the church rooms, to be allocated from the Village Hall Grants district wide capital allocation and £341 from the Area North revenue grants budget, subject to SSDC standard conditions for community grants as detailed in appendix A to the agenda report.


To facilitate refurbishment works to the Kingsbury Episcopi Church Rooms.

(Voting; Unanimous in favour)


The Neighbourhood Development Officer (North) presented the grant application for funding towards refurbishment works of the Kingsbury Episcopi Church Rooms, as detailed in the agenda, and highlighted the usage of the building.

Ward member, Councillor Derek Yeomans commented it was a small amount of funding being requested for something with such a large community benefit. He noted that the building was in effect the village hall for Kingsbury Episcopi and was in desperate need of some refurbishment, and fully supported the officer recommendation.

During a brief discussion other members voiced their support for the project, and it was proposed to approve the grant as per the officer recommendation. In view of the anticipate benefits if the kitchen was fully equipped a member subsequently moved an amendment to give a little additional funding to round the grant up to £4,000. The Area Development Manager (North) clarified that it was possible to award the extra funding which would need to be allocated from the Area North revenue grants budget.

A vote was first taken on increasing the grant to £4,000. On being put to the vote this was carried unanimously.

A vote was then taken on the substantive motion, to approve the officer recommendation including the amendment to increase the grant to £4,000 and on being put to the vote was carried unanimously.


That a grant of £4,000 be awarded to Kingsbury Episcopi Church Rooms Management Committee, towards the cost of refurbishments to the church rooms, to be allocated from the Village Hall Grants district wide capital allocation and £341 from the Area North revenue grants budget, subject to SSDC standard conditions for community grants as detailed in appendix A to the agenda report.


To facilitate refurbishment works to the Kingsbury Episcopi Church Rooms.

(Voting; Unanimous in favour)

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