Agenda item

Community Grant to Norton-sub-Hamdon Community Land Trust - Start-up Costs for Community Shop (Executive Decision)



That a grant of £9,346 be awarded to Norton-sub-Hamdon Community Land Trust towards the start-up costs of operating the village post office and general store to be allocated as £4,673 from the Area North capital programme (Local Priority Schemes), and the remaining £4,673 from Area North revenue grants budget, subject to SSDC standard conditions for community grants as detailed in appendix A to the agenda report and the following additional conditions:

·      SSDC may seek repayment of the grant if the shop is closed within five years of opening

·      Norton CLT to confirm terms of proposed lease with respect to any interim change of ownership of the freehold.


To facilitate the acquiring and operating of the village post office and shop in Norton Sub Hamdon.

(Voting: Unanimous in favour)


The Area Development Manager (North) presented the grant application for funding towards the start-up costs of acquiring and operating the village post office and shop in Norton Sub Hamdon, as detailed in the agenda report. She explained that some costs could not be finalised until the transfer was confirmed and the value of stock calculated at that time. It was noted that the community had already pledged a substantial amount towards the project which clearly indicated their support for retention of the shop and post office.

Ward member, Councillor Sylva Seal confirmed the community had pledged a lot of money towards the project and over 60 volunteers had come forward to help with the project as they wanted to keep a shop in the village. She strongly supported the application and highlighted there was little risk to SSDC as there was a condition to seek repayment of the grant if the shop closed within five years of opening.

During discussion members expressed their support for the project. In response to a comment made querying some of the figures, the Area Development Manager (North) thanked the member for highlighting the discrepancies and clarified that:

·      The total for the actual score shown on page 8 of the agenda should have read 34 and not 35.

·      The legal fees indicated on page 10 of the agenda should have read £5,600 and not £6,600.

·      The amount being requested from SSDC was £9,346 as detailed in the agenda report.

It was proposed to approve the grant application, as per the officer recommendation, and on being put to the vote was carried unanimously.


That a grant of £9,346 be awarded to Norton-sub-Hamdon Community Land Trust towards the start-up costs of operating the village post office and general store to be allocated as £4,673 from the Area North capital programme (Local Priority Schemes), and the remaining £4,673 from Area North revenue grants budget, subject to SSDC standard conditions for community grants as detailed in appendix A to the agenda report and the following additional conditions:

·      SSDC may seek repayment of the grant if the shop is closed within five years of opening

·      Norton CLT to confirm terms of proposed lease with respect to any interim change of ownership of the freehold.


To facilitate the acquiring and operating of the village post office and shop in Norton Sub Hamdon.

(Voting: Unanimous in favour)

Supporting documents: