Agenda item

Area North Development Plan - Budget Update


The Area Development Manager (North) presented the report as detailed in the agenda, which provided an update on the progress of projects taking place in Area North had been supported by the Area and District Executive capital programme. The report also provided information on the position of the Area North Reserve budget and the Community Grants programme.

It was highlighted that Tintinhull, Montacute and Kingsbury Episcopi were looking to provide new village halls, and that Tintinhull and Kingsbury Episcopi had been successful in getting through stage 1 of Lottery bids and were now working up their stage 2 applications.

In response to issues raised during discussion the Area Development Manager (North) commented that:

·         Further efforts would be made to ensure progress under the Area North marketing programme as detailed in appendix A.

·         The balance in the Area North Reserve allocated for affordable housing would be held for feasibility work for new schemes coming forward such as in Ash, and further feasibility work could be supported where there was interest from parish councils.

Members were content to endorse the Area North capital programme and note the position of Area North budgets.


It was resolved that:

(1)     The current Area North capital programme for 2014 and future years, as set out in Appendix A to the agenda report be endorsed.

(2)     The current position of the Area North Reserves be noted.

(3)     The current position of the Area North Community Grants budget be noted.

(4)     The position of discretionary / project budgets held by Area North be noted.


Supporting documents: