Agenda item

Planning application 14/02558/FUL - Banbury House, 5 Old Somerton Hotel, New Street, Somerton


Application proposal: Erection of three bedroom dwelling house - retrospective- resubmission of planning application 13/03703/FUL.

The Planning Officer presented the report on behalf of the case officer, as detailed in the agenda. He advised there were no updates to report and highlighted to members the approved plans and the detail of the dwelling as built. As the building had not been constructed in accordance with the approved plans, this was a retrospective application to regularise the site. The main issues for consideration were the impact on the conservation area and setting of a listed building from the omission of the chimney and use of incorrect roofing tiles. He summarised the comments of the Conservation Officer as detailed in the officer report.

Ms H Lazenby, agent, commented the reason the application was retrospective was due to a genuine misunderstanding between the architect and applicant. In her opinion the dwelling was set well back from the road and did not impact on the conservation area or listed building, and could see no justification or benefit to having the chimney which would not be seen from the road unless it was very tall. At the time of constructing the interpretation of likeness to neighbouring building was the tiles that have been used. The tiles had been in situ for two years and were weathering well. Examples of a tile which should have been used compared to the ones that had were held up and shown to members.

Ward member, Councillor David Norris, commented he understood why the Conservation Officer had taken his stance. He noted there were no objections from the community and on looking at the building the first thoughts were not that the tiles didn’t look or right or where’s the chimney? He did not consider the dwelling, as built, caused such demonstrable harm as to merit refusal.

Ward member, Councillor Pauline Clarke, concurred with her fellow ward member, and questioned what would be gained by replacing the roof and putting in a chimney.

During discussion varying opinions and comments were raised including:

·         Acknowledge it does fit plans but to potentially put in a plastic chimney was ludicrous and if installing a proper chimney would require major reconstruction.

·         Should be approved.

·         An approval would undermine the whole listed building planning system.

·         Don’t like retrospective applications

·         Don’t think the chimney is a major issue, and the tiles have been there several years and weathering – in a few years’ time when moss has grown, clay and concrete tiles would probably look very similar.

·         Difficult to comprehend how not built to plans and should be made to build to the plans.

In response to comments made, the Area Lead clarified that looking at the plans no fireplace had been installed. He acknowledged that he didn’t believe the potential of a plastic chimney had been given much consideration.

It was proposed to accept the officer recommendation to refuse the application, but on being put to the vote the proposal was lost, 4 favour of refusal and 6 against.

The Legal Services Manager advised members if members were minded to approve the application, they would have to be satisfied that there was no adverse impact i.e. it would in essence be a reversal of the officer recommendation to refuse, as detailed in the agenda report.

The Area Lead suggested recommended that there should be conditions for approved plans, obscure glazing as originally required and that Permitted Development Rights for extensions, garages and outbuildings be withdrawn

It was then proposed to approve the application, subject to the conditions as suggested by the Area Lead. On being put to the vote the proposal was carried 6 in favour and 4 against.

Councillor Jo Roundell Greene requested that the minutes indicate she voted against the application.


That planning application 14/02558/FUL be APPROVED, contrary to the officer recommendation, subject to the following conditions:


Notwithstanding the roof design with no chimneys and the use of concrete tiles there would be no adverse impact on the setting of the listed buildings or the character of the conservation area. As such the proposal complies with saved policies EH1 and EH5 of the South Somerset Local Plan and the aims and objectives of the NPPF.Subject to the following conditions;

01.   The development hereby permitted shall be carried out in accordance with the following approved plans: '1279/1', '1279/2', '1279/3', '1279/4', '1279/5' and '1279/1/1', received 6th June 2014.

Reason: For the avoidance of doubt as to the development authorised and in the interests of proper planning.

02.   The two first floor windows in the southern elevation of the dwellinghouse hereby permitted, which serve Bedroom 2 and Bedroom 3, shall be fitted with obscure glass (minimum level 3) and fixed shut, and shall be permanently retained and maintained in this fashion thereafter. There shall be no alteration or additional windows in this elevation without the prior written consent of the Local Planning Authority.

Reason: To ensure the privacy of the adjoining occupiers, in accordance with saved policy ST6 of the South Somerset Local Plan 2006 and the core planning principles of the National Planning Policy Framework.

03.   Notwithstanding the provisions of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order 1995 (or any order revoking and re-enacting that Order with or without modification), there shall be no extensions to the dwellinghouse hereby approved and no garages or other outbuildings to be built within the curtilage of the dwellinghouse without the prior express grant of planning permission.

Reason: In the interests of visual amenity, in accordance with saved policies ST5, ST6 and EH1 of the South Somerset Local Plan 2006 and the provisions of chapters 7 and 12 of the National Planning Policy Framework.


(Voting: 6 in favour, 4 against, 0 abstentions)

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