Agenda item

Planning application 14/02962/S73A - Spruces, Cathanger Lane, Fivehead


Application proposal: Section 73A application to remove condition 4 of planning approval 96540 dated 09/08/1973 (Agricultural occupancy condition).

The Planning Officer presented the application as detailed in the agenda, and highlighted briefly the history of the site and applicants position. As no justification had been supplied for the removal of the agricultural occupancy condition the officer recommendation was for refusal.

Ward member, Councillor Sue Steele, noted she knew the house well and felt it should never have had the agricultural occupancy condition as the game farm was not agriculture. She concurred with the comments in support of the application as detailed in the agenda. She felt the family should be supported, contrary to the officer recommendation.

During the brief discussion members questioned the harm in approving the application and hoped good reasons could be found for approval.

In response to comments made the Area Lead explained that enforcement of agricultural occupancy was given careful consideration, and justification for need for such dwellings needed to be robust. However if members felt there was not a realistic demand for a property of this type in this location that would be a satisfactory reason for approval. He suggested the wording for the reason could include it is accepted that the continuing agricultural occupancy on a property of this nature with limited land holding in this location serves no meaningful purpose and therefore not contrary to policy. He clarified that as the application was for the removal of a ‘tie’ there was no need for any conditions.

It was proposed to approve the application, contrary to the officer recommendation, for the reason as suggested by the Area Lead, and when put to the vote was carried unanimously.


That planning application 14/02962/S73A be APPROVED, contrary to the officer recommendation.


It is accepted that the continuation of the agricultural occupancy condition on a property of this nature, in this location with limited land serves no meaningful planning purpose. As such the removal of the condition is not contrary to policy HG16 of the South Somerset Local Plan 2006.

(Voting: Unanimous in favour)

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