Agenda item

Update on the Wheelchair Accessible Vehicle Licensing Policy


The Specialist – Licensing introduced her report and explained that Full Council had adopted the South Somerset District Council – Taxi Licensing Policy in November 2014 which took effect from 1st April 2015.  The policy stated that all new vehicle applications would be restricted to purpose built wheelchair accessible vehicles and that at least 20% of licensed hackney carriage vehicles must be wheelchair accessible.  The policy recommended that when the 20% target had been achieved the Licensing Committee would be provided with an update and a review of the policy should take place.


The Specialist – Licensing advised that 40.8% of licensed hackney carriage vehicles were currently wheelchair accessible and that five requests to date had been received to request that the Council depart from Policy and allow non-wheelchair accessible vehicles to be licensed as Hackney Carriage Vehicles. One request was previously submitted and agreed and the other four were due to be considered at this meeting. 


The Specialist - Licensing recommended that further investigation should take place to establish if the policy is meeting demand, exceeding demand or if there is lack of provision for passengers who use wheelchairs.  There was not enough information currently available to make a proper assessment.


Members were advised that some comments had been received about the taxi rank on Old Station Road, Yeovil as it could only be used by wheelchair accessible vehicles and felt that further investigation was required into the use of the rank.


During the discussion on the taxi rank at Old Station Road, members made the following comments:


·         Wheelchair accessible vehicles were not using the rank and non-wheelchair accessible taxis were often moved on from the rank.

·         Expressed support for changing the layout of the taxi rank to remark six bays for use by non-wheelchair accessible vehicles.

·         The taxi rank was located next to a hotel and in the middle of the night time economy.

·         It seemed logical to have another taxi rank at the other end of the town.


At the conclusion of the debate, members supported investigation into the possibility of changing the layout of the taxi rank on Old Station Road, Yeovil to include two bays for wheelchair accessible vehicles and the remainder for non-wheelchair accessible vehicles.  The outcome of the investigation to be reported back to the Licensing Committee.


During the discussion on the Wheelchair Accessible Vehicle Policy, members made the following comments:


·         As the Council had exceeded its target for wheelchair accessible vehicles, it was felt that new vehicles should be accepted.

·         Need to be careful how and when we gather evidence to make sure it stands up to scrutiny.

·         Providing a small ramp would provide an inexpensive and cost effective way of enabling people with mobility issues to use a taxi.

·         The use of alternative fuel vehicles should be explored as part of the investigation.


At the conclusion of the debate, members supported investigation to determine if the figure of 20% is ensuring better access to taxis for disabled passengers.




That investigation take place to determine if the figure of 20% is ensuring better access to taxis for disabled passengers.



That investigation take place into the possibility of changing the layout of the taxi rank on Old Station Road, Yeovil to include two bays for wheelchair accessible vehicles and the remainder for non-wheelchair accessible vehicles.


(Voting: unanimous)

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