Agenda item
Planning Application 19/01219/FUL - Land at Crewkerne Road, Chard
- Meeting of Area West Committee, Wednesday 20th November 2019 4.15 pm (Item 237.)
- View the declarations of interest for item 237.
Application proposal: Proposed offices, warehousing and research and development buildings
The Agency Planner presented the application with the aid of a powerpoint presentation. The proposal was for the construction of 7 commercial buildings to be provided for research and development, warehousing and office accommodation. The site was located on the eastern side of Chard with access to the site from the A30. The development was proposed to be delivered in 2 phases with buildings 1, 2 and 3 located in the south west part of the site forming the first phase. He referred to the left hand elevation which dropped down in scale to the west. The buildings would be low rise and comprised of a mixture of materials including brick and metal cladding. Members were informed that a 3 metre timber acoustic fence would be located along the western boundary and landscaping was proposed to provide screening and a green setting. The Agency Planner referred to the key considerations which were Principle of Development, Highways, Landscape, Employment, Design and Layout. The Agency Planner’s recommendation was for approval subject to conditions.
In response to questions, members were informed of the following:
· Currently there was an open field to the east of the site and it would be onerous to request acoustic barriers be put into an area that had no development currently proposed. It could be looked at in the future if there were to be residential development.
· The Environmental Health Officer considered the proposals to be acceptable. The buildings would be further insulated to protect from noise generation.
· The proposal would allow the company to grow and provide more employment.
· There would be increased landscaping and planting along the A30 with new hedging at the access point.
· Building 1 would be for office accommodation and Buildings 2 and 3 would be a combination of research and development and warehousing.
The Committee was addressed by the Applicant’s Agent. He said that Numatic had always shown generous consideration to its staff and neighbours. The development would be an extension to Numatic’s adjacent site and there were no noise elements being proposed on the site with manufacturing being maintained on the main site. The development would allow the company to grow by up to one third over the next five years. The road link to the A30 would be constructed first to allow construction traffic to access the site directly without having to pass through the town centre. The new road would reduce a lot of the traffic from the town centre. He advised that neighbouring properties would be protected by a 3 metre acoustic fence and landscaping. At the request of a neighbour the forklift entry had been redesigned and would be located 75 metres to the nearest boundary. He confirmed that more planting was being proposed on all boundaries and a nursery area for slow worms.
The Committee was then addressed by the Applicant. He explained about the history of the company and the need for expansion over the next five years. He advised that the 24 hour noise operations would be confined to the back of the existing site and confirmed that Numatic would be content for an acoustic fence on the eastern boundary to be included as a planning condition.
The Ward Member, Councillor Dave Bulmer commented that the applicant and officers had worked hard to address the noise issues and the work undertaken to bring the application forward was a credit to the applicant and the authority. He welcomed the application and stated that the company needed to move forward and was a good employer in the town. He was satisfied that the noise issues had been adequately addressed.
During the discussion members made the following comments:
· The application provided jobs in an area where transport links were not good and was welcomed by the Council’s Specialist – Economy.
· Numatic was a flagship employer for Chard and the District Council and offered good training opportunities.
· The application was an example of good consideration, consultation and compromise with adjacent neighbours.
· Supported the applicant in considering rainwater harvesting, ground source pumps and photovoltaic cells.
· It was important to bring employment land forward.
It was proposed and seconded to approve the application as per the Planning Officer’s recommendation subject to an amendment to Condition 3 to include the following words:
Should residential development be permitted on adjacent land to the east in the future, as is envisaged by the Local Plan, then a similar 3m high acoustic fence shall be installed in accordance with a specification and timescale that shall be agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority.
On being put to the vote the proposal was unanimously supported.
That Planning Application No. 19/01219/FUL be APPROVED as per the Planning Specialist’s recommendation for the following reason:
01. The principle of development is considered to be acceptable in this location and the proposal, by reason of its size, scale and materials, respects the character of the area, and causes no demonstrable harm to residential amenity, biodiversity, and highway safety in accordance with the aims and objectives of Policies SD1, SS1, EP4, EQ2, EQ4, TA5, and TA6 of the South Somerset Local Plan and the aims and provisions of the NPPF.
01. The development hereby permitted shall be begun before the expiration of three years from the date of this permission.
Reason: To accord with the provisions of section 91(1) of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990.
02. The development hereby permitted shall be carried out in accordance with the following approved plans and documents: Arboricultural Tree Scheme - TP-P-001 02 Building 1 - 3870 - 03 B Building 2 - 3870 - 04 A Building 3 - 3870 - 05 A Building 4 - 3870 - 06 A Building 5 - 3870 - 7 A Building 6 - 3870 - 8 A Building 7 - 3870 - 9 B Context and Constraints 613/01 P2 FLOOD RISK ASSESSMENT - THIRD ISSUE- APRIL 2019 GA SITE ACCESS RIGHT TURN LANE - 10277-HYD-XX-XX-DR-TP-0100 P02 Illustrative Sections AA to CC 613/04 P1 Illustrative Sections AA to CC 613/04 P1 Illustrative Sections DD to EE 613/05 P1 Illustrative Sections DD to EE 613/05 P1 Impact of noise from proposed Industrial development - 9th April 2019 Landscape Proposals 613/02 P2 Landscape Proposals 613/02 P5 Location Plan - 3870 - 01 Planning Statement - April 2019 Planting Proposals 613/03 P1 Planting Proposals 613/03 P3 Reptile Survey - September/October 2018 SITE ACCESS RIGHT TURN LANE 10277-HYD-XX-XX-DR-TP-0200 P02 Site Layout Plan - 3870 - 02 S Site Sections - 3870 - 10 Statement of Community Involvement - April 2019 Tree Survey Plan - TP-P-001 01
Reason: For the avoidance of doubt and in the interests of proper planning.
03. Prior to occupation or use of the buildings herby approved a 3 metre high acoustic fence shall be installed along the western boundaries to specifications and details that shall be agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority before installation. Should residential development be permitted on adjacent land to the east in the future, as is envisaged by the Local Plan, then a similar 3m high acoustic fence shall be installed in accordance with a specification and timescale that shall be agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority.
Reason: To protect the amenity of the locality, especially for people living and/or working nearby, in accordance with local planning policy EQ7 of the South Somerset Local Plan.
04. Prior to occupation or use of the buildings herby approved the site layout, building construction and insulation levels and location of door openings shall be in accordance with the recommendation set out in the "Impact of noise from proposed Industrial development" report dated 9th April 2019 and shall thereafter be retained and not altered without the prior consent in writing by the Local Planning Authority.
Reason: To protect the amenity of the locality, especially for people living and/or working nearby, in accordance with local planning policy EQ7 of the South Somerset Local Plan.
05. The following details shall be submitted to the Local Planning Authority and agreed in writing prior to commencement of works:
· Detailed construction layout drawings that demonstrate the inclusion of SuDS, where appropriate, and location and size of key drainage features; · Detailed construction drawings of proposed features such as infiltration structures, attenuation features, pumping stations and outfall structures; · Confirmation of groundwater levels to demonstrate that the invert level of any soakaways or unlined attenuation features can be located a minimum of 1m above groundwater levels; · Calculations to demonstrate that the proposed surface water drainage system has been designed to prevent the surcharging of any below ground drainage network elements in all events up to an including the 1 in 2 annual probability storm event; · Calculations to demonstrate that the proposed surface water management system will prevent any flooding of the site in all events up to an including the 1 in 30 annual probability storm event; · Calculations that demonstrates there will be no increased risk of flooding as a result of development between the 1 in 1 year event and up to the 1 in 100 year event and allowing for the potential effects of climate change; · Assessment of potential failure of above-ground attenuation features, including assessment of residual risks to downstream receptors, and proposed mitigation and management measures; · Details of the proposed methods of treating surface water runoff to ensure no risk of pollution is introduced to groundwater or watercourses both locally and downstream of the site, especially from proposed parking and vehicular areas; · Details of how natural overland flow paths and overland flows from outside of the site boundary have influenced the development layout and design of the drainage system; · Detailed drawing demonstrating the management of surface water runoff during events that may temporarily exceed the capacity of the drainage system; · Calculations to inform the assessment of the risk of water backing up the drainage system from any proposed outfall and how this risk will be managed without increasing flood risk to the site or to people, property and infrastructure elsewhere, noting that this also includes failure of flap valves; · If access or works to third party land is required, confirmation that an agreement has been made with the necessary landowners/consenting authorities to cross third party land and/or make a connection to the proposed watercourse/sewer; · Confirmation that the adoption and maintenance of the drainage systems has been agreed with the relevant authority; · Demonstration that appropriate access is available to maintain drainage features, · Operational and maintenance manual for all proposed drainage features that are to be adopted and maintained by a third-party management company;
Reason: To ensure that the development is served by a satisfactory system of surface water drainage and that the approved system is retained, managed and maintained in accordance with the approved details throughout the lifetime of the development, in accordance with the National Planning Policy Framework and Technical Guidance to the National Planning Policy Framework.
06. Before any work is commenced a programme showing the phasing of the development shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority and the development of the estate shall not proceed other than in accordance with the approved programme.
Reason: In the interests of highway safety and efficiency and in accordance with Policy TA5 of the South Somerset Local Plan.
07. The applicant shall ensure that all vehicles leaving the site are in such condition as not to emit dust or deposit mud, slurry or other debris on the highway. In particular (but without prejudice to the foregoing), efficient means shall be installed, maintained and employed for cleaning the wheels of all lorries leaving the site, details of which shall have been agreed in advance in writing by the Local Planning Authority and fully implemented prior to commencement of the construction phase , and thereafter maintained until that phase has ceased.
Reason: In the interests of highway safety and efficiency and in accordance with Policy TA5 of the South Somerset Local Plan
08. The proposed development shall be served by a new access constructed generally in accordance with that shown on drawing number 3870 - 02 S
Reason: In the interests of highway safety and efficiency and in accordance with Policy TA5 of the South Somerset Local Plan
09. Any controlled entrance and gates shall be set back a minimum distance of 20 metres from the carriageway edge and shall thereafter be maintained in that condition at all times.
Reason: In the interests of highway safety and efficiency and in accordance with Policy TA5 of the South Somerset Local Plan
10. Provision shall be made within the site for the disposal of surface water so as to prevent its discharge onto the highway, details of which shall have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. Such provision shall be installed before occupation and thereafter maintained at all times.
Reason: In the interests of highway safety and efficiency and in accordance with Policy TA5 of the South Somerset Local Plan
11. The Development hereby permitted shall not be occupied until the parking spaces and properly consolidated and surfaced turning spaces for vehicles have been provided and constructed within the site in accordance with details shown on the submitted drawings. Such parking and turning spaces shall be kept clear of obstruction at all times and shall not be used other than for the parking and turning of vehicles in connection with the development hereby permitted.
Reason: In the interests of highway safety and efficiency and in accordance with Policy TA5 of the South Somerset Local Plan
12. Prior to commencement confirmation of the traffic speeds on the A30 shall be provided and agreed in writing to the Local Planning Authority. These details shall be used to determine the necessary vehicle visibility splays to be provided at the access point onto the A30. Such splays shall be provided thereafter and retained in perpetuity.
Reason: In the interests of highway safety and efficiency and in accordance with Policy TA5 of the South Somerset Local Plan
13. The new development shall not be commenced until a detailed Travel Plan has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. No part of the new development shall be occupied prior to implementation of those parts identified in the Approved Travel Plan as capable of being implemented prior to occupation. Those parts of the Approved Travel Plan that are identified therein as capable of implementation after occupation shall be implemented in accordance with the timetable contained therein and shall continue to be implemented as long as any part of the development is occupied.
Reason: In the interests of highway safety and efficiency and in accordance with Policy TA5 of the South Somerset Local Plan
14. Prior to first occupation or first use of the development hereby permitted, the parking for cycles and motorcycles shall be laid out, constructed and drained in accordance with a detailed scheme [within the Travel Plan] to be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority.
Reason: In the interests of highway safety and efficiency and in accordance with Policy TA5 of the South Somerset Local Plan
15. No development shall commence unless a Construction Environmental Management Plan has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The works shall be carried out strictly in accordance with the approved plan. The plan shall include:
· Construction vehicle movements; · Construction operation hours; · Construction vehicular routes to and from site; · Construction delivery hours; · Expected number of construction vehicles per day; · Car parking for contractors; · Specific measures to be adopted to mitigate construction impacts in pursuance of the Environmental Code of Construction Practice; · A scheme to encourage the use of Public Transport amongst contractors; · Measures to avoid traffic congestion impacting upon the Strategic Road Network. · On-site vehicle wheel washing facilities
Reason: In the interests of highway safety and efficiency and in accordance with Policy TA5 of the South Somerset Local Plan
16. Any trees to be retained within the site will be retained with Root Protection Zones established in accordance with BS 5837:2012 trees in relation to design, demolition and construction. New landscaping will be designed to incorporate new native species landscaping to include new native shrub and grassland planting wherever possible. Grassland beneath the tree line which forms the site boundary will be subject to less management to encourage a long-sward height. The grassland margins will be allowed to grow throughout the summer with a single cut given in late August to a minimum height of 15 centimetres periodically. All cuttings will be removed from site to encourage the development of a diverse sward. Brash and chipping piles will be created between the retained trees from the scrub that is cleared from the site.
Reason: In the interests of protected species and biodiversity and in accordance with policy EQ4 of the South Somerset Local Plan.
(Voting: unanimous in favour) |
Supporting documents: