Agenda item
Churchfields Offices, Disposal - Inclusion of public car park
That Area East Committee agreed to:- |
a. |
note the options for disposal and the potential benefits of the inclusion of the public car park within the disposal.
b. |
approve the proposal that the public car park land should be included in the Churchfield, Wincanton property disposal. Marketing to commence in the New Year, with the following provisos:-
Reason: |
To confirm the disposal of the Churchfields offices including the incorporation of the public car park within the sale. |
(Voting: 8 in favour, 0 against, 2 abstentions)
The Property and Development Project Manager reminded Members that the District Executive Committee had agreed the disposal of Churchfields offices in March 2018. During the tender process to select a commercial agent to market the property, each potential agent had asked if the adjacent public car park could be included as it would enhance the saleability of the property. Points in favour of the disposal included optimising the capital receipt from the sale which would benefit the Wincanton Regeneration Scheme, it would support the local housing supply and visually enhance the area, and, there were potential revenue savings to both SSDC and Wincanton Town Council on maintenance and the car parking compensation scheme. Points against disposal were the reduced car parking capacity for residents and businesses. He noted there were a number of green car parking spaces to the south of the site which were not currently well used but could be retained for local residents who did not have a driveway or car parking space.
In response to questions from Members, the Property and Development Project Manager advised:-
· There had not been a formal resolution from Wincanton Town Council to agree the sale of the car park in connection with Churchfields but an informal expression that the car park did not benefit the town and provided free parking for the school.
· There were currently 8 or 9 car parking spaces provided in the grasscrete area to the south and there was space to extend this to 10 or 12 spaces.
· Including the car park within the sale of Churchfields could increase the asset value by between £250,000 to £350,000.
· If the car park was sold separately at a later date then the asset value would be less and this could be as much as half the value if there were a 5 year gap.
During discussion Members made the following points:-
· If the car park was included in the sale of Churchfields then parents using the car park to drop their children at the nearby school could be compromised.
· Surprised the Ward Members were not in attendance or had sent any comments.
· Concern that Wincanton Town Council had not formally commented on the proposal.
· The car park was hardly used at night and there was a turning circle as a drop off point for the school.
· The grass-crete parking area should be excluded from the sale and extended to provide a safe drop-off point for the nearby school.
· The stables should be offered as a separate parcel for sale as they had previously attracted good offers to purchase.
At the conclusion of the debate, it was proposed that the strip of land to the south of the site be excluded from the sale and this area of grass-crete parking be extended to provide a safe drop-off point for the nearby primary school and additional residential parking. Members unanimously agreed to this proposal. It was then proposed that the adjacent stable block, including the necessary rights of access be offered for sale as a separate parcel to the Churchfields disposal, and, the car park area be included with the sale of Churchfields. This was seconded and carried by 8 in favour, 0 against and 2 abstentions.
That Area East Committee agreed to:- |
a. |
note the options for disposal and the potential benefits of the inclusion of the public car park within the disposal.
b. |
approve the proposal that the public car park land should be included in the Churchfield, Wincanton property disposal. Marketing to commence in the New Year, with the following provisos:-
Reason: |
To confirm the disposal of the Churchfields offices including the incorporation of the public car park within the sale. |
(Voting: 8 in favour, 0 against, 2 abstentions)
Supporting documents: