Agenda item
Planning Application 19/02779/ADV - A E George Commercials Ltd, Brewham Road Depot, Brewham Road, Bruton
The display of 1 No. internally illuminated and 1 No. non illuminated fascia signs, 1 No. internally illuminated pylon sign and 1 No. non illuminated bollard.
The Case Officer for Development Management introduced the report with the assistance of a power point presentation. She advised that the recommendation was a split decision to approve signs 1 – 4 inclusive and refuse permission for sign 5. This was because the applicant had failed to provide an accurate site plan, and, because officers could not be sure of the position of the 6m totem at the entrance to the site, they were unsure whether it would impede visibility when exiting the site. The applicant had been given 4 opportunities to provide the required site plan but had failed to engage with officers on the issue. Therefore, the recommendation was split to approve signs 1 – 4 inclusive and refuse permission for sign 5.
There was no debate and the officers recommendation was proposed and seconded and on being put to the vote, was carried unanimously.
RESOLVED: That planning permission be GRANTED for signs 1-4 (inclusive), and, Planning permission be REFUSED for sign 5 (6m entrance pylon), for the following reasons:-
01. Signs 1-4 (inclusive) by virtue of the siting, design, number, materials, scale and type of illumination is in keeping with the character and appearance of the surrounding area, causes no harm to residential amenity, does not prejudice public safety and is in accordance with the aims and objectives of policy EQ2 of the South Somerset Local Plan (2006-2028).
02. There is insufficient information submitted with the application to assess whether or not the siting of the pylon sign, labelled as sign 5, would impact adversely upon the visibility splays.
Accordingly it is considered that the proposal is contrary paragraph 108 of the National Planning Policy Framework and Policies TA5 & TA6 of the South Somerset Local Plan (2006-2028) and paragraphs 109 and 132 of the NPPF.
01. The development hereby permitted shall be carried out in accordance with the fascia signs, wall signs and business bollard, labelled as signs 1-4, received on 4th November 2019.
Reason: For the avoidance of doubt and in the interests of proper planning.
02. (a) All advertisements displayed and any land used for the display of advertisements shall be maintained in a clean and tidy condition to the reasonable satisfaction of the Local Planning Authority.
(b) Any hoarding or similar structure or any sign, placard, board or device erected or used principally for the purpose of displaying advertisements shall be maintained in a safe condition to the reasonable satisfaction of the Local Planning Authority.
(c) Where any advertisement is required under these Regulations to be removed, the removal thereof shall be carried out to the reasonable satisfaction of the Local Planning Authority.
(d) Before any advertisement is displayed on land in accordance with the consent now granted, the permission of the owner of that land, or of a person entitled to grant such permission, shall be obtained.
(e) The consent now granted is limited to a period of five years from the date hereof.
(f) No advertisement shall be displayed so as to endanger persons, obscure or hinder the interpretation of any official sign
Reason: To accord with The Town and Country Planning (Control of Advertisements) (England) Regulations 2007
01. In accordance with paragraph 39 of the NPPF the council, as local planning authority, takes a positive and proactive approach to development proposals focused on solutions. The council works with applicants/agents in a positive and proactive manner by;
· offering a pre-application advice service, and
· as appropriate updating applications/agents of any issues that may arise in the processing of their application and where possible suggesting solutions
(Voting: unanimous in favour)
Supporting documents: