Agenda item

County Highway Authority - Verbal Update


The Assistant Highway Service Manager provided Members with an update on Highway issues in the area.  He advised that:-

·         The surface dressing programme was completed but not signed off so if Members had any issues with remedial work, let him know.

·         General resurfacing of pavements in the area was ongoing.

·         The pot hole programme was completed.

·         The A37 Ilchester Road resurfacing work to the Halfway House had been completed and the second half was due to be done in the next year.

·         Safety grass cutting at highway junctions was nearing completion for the year.

·         He was currently gathering schemes for 2015/16 which would include works at Parsonage Close in Curry Rivel.

The Assistant Highway Service Manager responded to several questions from Members regarding works in Ash, Martock, Bower Hinton and Isle Abbotts.  He confirmed that work to repair the B3168 at the Beacon in Ilminster was due to start in November and it was hoped it would be completed by Christmas 2014. 

At the conclusion of the debate, the Chairman thanked the Assistant Highway Service Manager for attending and answering Members questions on highway related issues.


That the report be NOTED.


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