Agenda item

Local Housing Needs in Area North


The Housing and Welfare Manager provided Members with an update of the number of people seeking housing in the district.  She explained the assessment of housing need into band categories depending on the urgency and circumstances of those requiring housing and the policy change in February 2014 which required that applicants must have a local connection to an area to be accepted onto the housing register. 

In response to questions from Members, she explained that although the service encouraged on-line housing applications, there were paper forms and staff available in Area offices or in the main Housing office in Yeovil who could assist people to complete a housing application form.  There was also a telephone line where people could hear about housing vacancies and bid to put their name forward for a housing vacancy. 

The Area Development Manager (North) advised that due to the rural nature of the area in exceptional circumstances, a member of the Area Support team or Housing team could visit an applicant at home to assist with the completion of housing forms. 

At the conclusion of the debate, the Chairman thanked the Housing and Welfare Manager for her informative report and attending to answer Members questions.


That the report and presentation be NOTED.


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