Agenda item

Section 106 Obligations


The Section 106 Monitoring Officer reminded Members that the Section 106 agreements provided control to development and the monies levied on the developer were used to mitigate the impact of the development and deliver local facilities.  Since his last report to the Committee, the service had been audited both internally and by the government and had received substantial assurances of the processes tested. 

In response to questions from Members, the Section 106 Monitoring Officer confirmed that:-

·         strategic Section 106 monies from developments within Area North were intended to support leisure facilities at Huish Academy school, particularly the proposed artificial grass pitch.

·         The setting of CIL (Community Infrastructure Levy) rates were now out of date and if SSDC decided to adopt CIL rather than use Section 106 agreements to control development then a new corporate decision would have to be taken. 

At the conclusion of the debate, the chairman thanked the Section 106 Monitoring Officer for providing a comprehensive report.


That the report and presentation be noted and the actions taken in respect of the monitoring and managing of Section 106 Planning Obligations be endorsed.


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