Agenda item
Planning Application: 20/00231/FUL - Lavender Keepers, Great Pit Lane, Rimpton
Proposal: Change of use to land for the siting of a proposed tipi for cafe/farm shop.
The Planning Specialist presented the application as detailed in the agenda and with the aid of a PowerPoint presentation, showed the site and proposed plans.
She referred to Great Pit Lane and the reduced forward visibility both ways, and highlighted the highways report regarding the narrow lane. She noted the revised plan of the Tipi, and showed the height not to be taller than the existing agricultural barn. Half the tipi to be farm shop, the other half the café. The tipi will be seasonal, used between March and October.
There were updates received since the report was published in the agenda:
· A revised plan was resubmitted showing the correct scale of the tipi, so this reason for refusal has now been removed.
· The parish council submitted additional comments, namely reiterating support, and noted that the access to the farm along Great Pit Lane lacks evidence.
· One objection received noted the increasing size of the holding and the potential for further development at the site and the increased traffic on the road that is used by pedestrians and horse riders.
· Further support comments from members of the public, they supported the rural economy and buying local goods, access is convenient and not blocking roads.
The Specialist, Development management explained that the highways officer could not attend the meeting, but gave the additional comments:
· The site was visited on the 20 March 2020.
· There are limited passing places on Great Pit Lane and limited forward visibility with the potential for the farm shop to attract additional traffic on the road.
The key considerations in the report were policies EP4 and EP5, no visual concerns and local support. The main issue being the highway safety concerns on the single track highway and the limited forward visibility of Great Pit Lane.
It was found that the small economic benefit was outweighed by the road safety outlined in the highways report and therefore the recommendation was to refuse permission.
The specialist responded to the Chairman’s query about sales at the site, noting that the previous planning application had a controlling condition on retail and that was still in place.
A representative of Rimpton Parish Council addressed the committee and gave the following comments:
· Felt that the highways report of Great Pit Lane did not reflect the road and that Local residents that know and use this road do not have issues with it.
· Many narrow local roads in rural areas, and if this was the reason the application is refused, it surely would stop any economic growth in the countryside and go against policies EP4 and EP5.
· The current location had a light footprint as did the proposed development.
· Requested that the committee approve the application
The applicant then addressed the committee and made the following comments:
· Thanked the residents and all for their support.
· Referred to the tipi being lower in height than the barn.
· The road is used daily, and felt there are 16 passing places and the road is wide enough for 2 cars in areas. Did not feel this that this was an issue.
· They will be selling their own produce in the farm shop.
The Agent then addressed the committee and gave the following comments:
· The highways report had been commented on clearly by local residents that they believed the road was not an issue.
· There were many letters of support.
· The applicant will be selling predominantly their own produce
· A small scale operation that is seasonal and urges to approve the application.
Ward Member Councillor Lewis had the following comments:
· Strong support from the community
· Key issue stated as highways, proved not to be so with locals and the applicant.
· Seasonal opening
· Proposed to go against the recommendation for refusal and approve the application based on policies EP4 and EP5 of the Local Plan.
During a short discussion the following points were raised by members:
· Several voiced the support to approve.
· The role of council was to support the rural economy.
· Felt that the locals knew the area enough for them not to refuse based on the highways report.
· One member queried the Restriction on retail around the butchery and in response the Specialist, Planning Development explained that there is a Retail restriction on the butchery, applied because of the size of the building. This new proposal would supersede the original condition.
Approval was then seconded and put to a vote based on the following reasons:
· Meets Policies EQ2 and SD1, EP4 and EP5 of the Local Plan.
The vote was unanimous in favour of approval.
That Planning Application No. 20/00231/FUL be APPROVED contrary to the officer’s recommendation for the following reasons:
01. Accords with Policies EQ2, SD1 and EP4 and EP5 of the South Somerset Local Plan 2006- 2028.
01. The development hereby permitted shall be begun before the expiration of three years from the date of this permission.
Reason: To accord with the provisions of section 91(1) of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990.
02. The development shall be in strict accordance with the following approved plans:
Tipi Elevations ref ED/SS579/TIPI01 (received 1st July 2020); Visibility Splay ED/SS579/06 (received 23rd April 2020); Block Plan ref ED/SS579/BLOCK1A (received on 2nd March 2020); Site Location Plan ref ED/SS579/LOC1A (received on 2nd March 2020).
Reason: In the interests of clarity and proper planning.
03. The development hereby approved shall only be used seasonally between 1st March and 31st October each year, with the approved tipi being removed from the site at all other times.
Reason: The development was proposed to be seasonal and was assessed as such. A more permanent structure would need to be considered against the relevant policies within the Local Plan, as well as the provisions of the NPPF.
04. The parking and turning area shown on the approved Block Plan and the approved visibility splay must be implemented prior to first use of the development and maintained clear and for that purpose thereafter.
Reason: To ensure adequate parking in accordance with policy TA5 of the Local Plan, the Somerset Parking Strategy and the provisions of the NPPF.
05. No external lighting is to be installed at any time without the prior written consent of the Local Planning Authority.
Reason: In order to prevent light pollution in a rural area and to accord with policy EQ4 and EQ7 of the Local Plan and the provisions of the NPPF.
06. The tipi hereby approved shall be ancillary to the wider agricultural holding known as Lavender Keepers, and shall not be subdivided into a separate planning unit.
Reason: In order to support farm diversification and prevent further intensification of Great Pit Lane, in accordance with policies EP5 and TA5 of the Local Plan and the provisions of the NPPF.
(Voting: Unanimous in favour of approval)
Supporting documents: