Agenda item

Community Grant to Ilminster Tennis and Bowling Club (Executive Decision)



That a grant of £12,500 be awarded to Ilminster Tennis and Bowling Club, the grant to be allocated from the Area West capital programme and subject to SSDC standard conditions for community grants.


Reason: To consider a grant to Ilminster Tennis and Bowling Club towards resurfacing three Tennis Courts.


(Voting: unanimous)


(There was a change to the order of the agenda and this item was taken prior to Agenda Item 7).


The Locality Officer presented the report.  He advised that Ilminster Tennis and Bowling Club were requesting funding towards resurfacing three tennis courts.  Members noted that a representative from the Club was present at the meeting to answer members’ questions. 


During consideration of the item, members made a number of comments which included the following:


·         The amount of work undertaken by the club with young people was excellent;

·         The club was a fantastic community asset in Ilminster;

·         The club was looking to develop access for disability groups;

·         One member expressed some reservation as the club was a private facility requesting public funds.  The club last resurfaced the tennis courts in 2007 and had the past 13 years to prepare for the resurfacing;

·         The club was a really important local facility although not entirely public they offered a public service;

·         Youth development was extremely important;

·         The club offered events to the local community such as a monthly quiz and the club was available to hire for functions and fixtures;

·         Provision of good quality playing surfaces should be encouraged to be able to promote sport and to get people fit and active.


In response to questions raised, the representative from the Club confirmed that the club had a sink fund and had prepared for the resurfacing of the courts as best they could.  He mentioned that the club was a non-profit making business with operating costs as any other business.  He said that it was a private members club but allowed visitors and guests and ran various open days.  He advised that the club wanted to develop its youth section and that the facility was essential in developing the future of the club.  Without the support of the Town Council and the District Council, the club would struggle to keep the facility as best as it could possibly be which would be a shame for the whole community.  The club representative confirmed that junior members were offered free membership for the first year and the club was looking to develop opportunities for disability tennis.  He also clarified that the club was fully inclusive and that any member of the public could join.


The Locality Officer said that 13 years with the same surface was a good achievement with how much it had been used and it had always been properly maintained.


The Case Officer – Strategy and Commissioning advised Councillors Val Keitch and Linda Vijeh as members of the Club that in view of public perception and because of the recommendation being a financial decision that they should leave the room for the vote.  At this point in the proceedings Councillors Val Keitch and Linda Vijeh left the meeting and returned after the vote was taken.


It was then proposed and seconded to approve the application as outlined in the report.  A vote was taken which was unanimously carried.



That a grant of £12,500 be awarded to Ilminster Tennis and Bowling Club, the grant to be allocated from the Area West capital programme and subject to SSDC standard conditions for community grants.


Reason: To consider a grant to Ilminster Tennis and Bowling Club towards resurfacing three Tennis Courts.


(Voting: unanimous)

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