Agenda item
Presentation on the progress of the South Somerset Environment Strategy
That Council noted the presentation updating them on the progress of the SSDC Environment Strategy, including the update on the Council’s carbon footprint work. |
Reason: |
To note the progress of the SSDC Environment Strategy. |
The Leisure and Recreation Manager and Lead Specialist – Environment provided Members with a power point presentation on the progress of the SSDC Environment Strategy. They confirmed that;-
· During the pandemic the Environment Community of Practice meetings had continued on-line to deliver the strategy.
· The SSDC Carbon Footprint had been calculated and the Council was progressing towards being carbon-neutral by 2030.
· An energy audit of the council’s building had been calculated to identify how energy use could be reduced (gas and electricity).
· 25 Electric Vehicle Charging points were to be installed across the district in SSDC car parks.
· A 12 month e-scooter trial was due to commence in Yeovil to encourage low carbon transport.
· Community engagement had progressed through social media, over 50 Environment Champions in parishes and a monthly Get SuSSed newsletter.
· An on-line South Somerset Green Directory would be created to promote renewable energy, insulation grants and funding to help the public make informed renewable choices.
· 61 parishes had planted 3,050 trees across South Somerset the previous winter under the Great Parish Tree Giveaway and this would be launched again for 2020/21 shortly.
· Three submission were made to the Urban Tree Challenge and the Martock application had been successful while the outcome for Chard and Yeovil were awaited.
· An Open Spaces Strategy was being drafted so that by 2030 South Somerset would be recognised for the high quality and accessibility of its open spaces, championing biodiversity and community resilience, promoting economic prosperity and healthy lifestyles.
· Joint working with partners was helping towards a more resilient district to act against climate change and were working towards a cohesive and connected plan.
In response to questions from Members, the Leisure and Recreation Manager and Lead Specialist – Environment advised:-
· The impact of SSDC staff working at home would impact on the 2020/21 carbon footprint calculation.
· E-scooters would be booked through a phone app and the cost would be around £2 per use. More details on the scheme would be circulated shortly. Hirers would need to have a provisional or full driving license.
· The top-speed of the e-scooter was 15mph but they would be restricted to 12.5mph in the trial and there would be some slow zones where they would be limited to 5mph.
· On-street electric vehicle charging provision would be investigated as the next phase of the project.
· Open Spaces Strategy would have a significant delivery plan and a number of actions including assessments of the Council’s current land holdings, and the Council’s acquisitions and disposals policy would be linked in with this.
· The Economic Development team were helping local businesses to look at conducting at their own energy audits and their carbon footprints and help to identify funding options for energy reduction.
The Portfolio Holder for Environment thanked the Leisure and Recreation Manager and Lead Specialist – Environment and their teams for the work in helping to make SSDC carbon neutral by 2030.
At the conclusion of the debate, the Chairman thanked the Leisure and Recreation Manager and Lead Specialist – Environment for their comprehensive update on the progress of the Environment Strategy and for responding to Members questions.
That Council noted the presentation updating them on the progress of the SSDC Environment Strategy, including the update on the Council’s carbon footprint work. |
Reason: |
To note the progress of the SSDC Environment Strategy. |
Supporting documents:
- 7 Environment Strategy update, item 178. PDF 83 KB
- 7a Environment Strategy addendum, item 178. PDF 124 KB
- Environment Full Council Presentation 15.10.20 ve, item 178. PDF 972 KB