Agenda item

Stronger Somerset Business Case




That Council agreed:



to endorse the Stronger Somerset proposal for the reform of local government including the creation of two unitary Councils within Somerset. and agree its submission to the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government.


(Voting on (a): 41 in favour, 14 against, 0 abstentions)




to note that  the Leader of the Council and the Chief Executive, in consultation with the other Somerset District Leaders and Chief Executives, have been given delegated authority by District Executive to make minor amendments to the Proposal as necessary and / or appropriate, ahead of its submission to the Secretary of State.




to support the continuing consultation and engagement with key partners, neighbouring authorities, business, staff, unions and local stakeholders, above and beyond any programme of consultation that may be required by the Government in due course.



to this Council, with the other Somerset councils, advancing the delivery of aspects of the proposals for reform ahead of the Secretary of State’s approval where so doing will support the Stronger Somerset Proposal and lead to early delivery of efficiencies, community outcomes and greater collaboration and integration.



to pay due regard to the Equalities Impact Assessment, attached as Appendix B, in considering the proposal for a Stronger Somerset.

(Voting on (b) to (e): 41 in favour, 13 against, 0 abstentions)



to note that, in the best interests of the communities and residents of South Somerset, the Council will continue to work with colleagues across all tiers of local government and public service in Somerset including ensuring our residents, communities and businesses are supported through the pandemic.

(Voting on (f): 49 in favour, 5 against, 0 abstentions)


To confirm the submission of the Stronger Somerset proposal for the reform of local government including the creation of two unitary Councils within Somerset to the Secretary of State for Housing, Communities and Local Government by 9th December 2020.




The Leader of Council said the proposal was one of the most important decisions which the Council would take that year.  The debate about the future of local government in Somerset had been ongoing for some time as change and reform in local government was needed.  To provide for the people of Somerset, two unitary authorities with a combined authority above was proposed for Somerset.  She said there had been some slippage in the timetable due to Covid-19 and the Government would undertake a public consultation on the two unitary proposals.  The Stronger Somerset proposal would deliver value for money and efficiency with both short and longer term benefits for the people of Somerset.  The Ipsos-Mori poll, commissioned by the 4 District Councils indicated that the people of Somerset were in favour of a 2 unitary authority solution.  Subject to approval by Council, the proposal would be submitted to the Secretary of State by 9th December but consultation and engagement would continue with key partners, neighbouring authorities, businesses, staff, unions and local stakeholders. 


During discussion, the following points were made:-


·         The recommendations should be voted upon separately.

·         A letter from Adult Social Services and the Director of Public Health dated 27 November should be read in full as it was sent out late that day.

·         Recommendation 6 should be voted upon separately.

·         There was no comparison between independent research by a market leading company and a Facebook poll.  The methodology would not hold up to public scrutiny.

·         No issues had been raised regarding the Stronger Somerset business case.

·         This was a fantastic business case and the vote should be taken.

·         The business case would be passed to the Government Minister who would take into account all the evidence presented and seek an independent view of it to reflect the true views of the people of Somerset.

·         There would always be negative responses as well as positive.

·         SSDC always allowed a good debate on issues.


In response to questions from Members, the Leader and Chairman advised:-


·         The letter from Adult Social Services and the Director of Public Health dated 27 November had been sent to all Councillors and to all Town and Parish Councils in Somerset.

·         The recommendations would be voted upon separately as requested.

·         The Councils had to demonstrate that public consultation had taken place on their two unitary proposal but not all sources of consultation would be used.


The Chairman said there would be little time to digest the content of the letter if it was read in full, therefore it would not be read out in full.  If the authors of the letter felt strongly on the issue they could have made representations at public question time.


At the conclusion of the debate, the Leader commended the business case to Council She said it was a robust business case, produced in collaboration with the other Somerset District Councils.  The recommendations were proposed by the Leader and seconded by Councillor Adam Dance.  When put to the vote, were carried by: recommendation (a): 41 in favour, 14 against, 0 abstentions.

recommendations (b) to (e): 41 in favour, 13 against, 0 abstentions.

recommendation (f): 49 in favour, 5 against, 0 abstentions.



That Council agreed:



to endorse the Stronger Somerset proposal for the reform of local government including the creation of two unitary Councils within Somerset. and agree its submission to the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government.


(Voting on (a): 41 in favour, 14 against, 0 abstentions)




to note that  the Leader of the Council and the Chief Executive, in consultation with the other Somerset District Leaders and Chief Executives, have been given delegated authority by District Executive to make minor amendments to the Proposal as necessary and / or appropriate, ahead of its submission to the Secretary of State.




to support the continuing consultation and engagement with key partners, neighbouring authorities, business, staff, unions and local stakeholders, above and beyond any programme of consultation that may be required by the Government in due course.



to this Council, with the other Somerset councils, advancing the delivery of aspects of the proposals for reform ahead of the Secretary of State’s approval where so doing will support the Stronger Somerset Proposal and lead to early delivery of efficiencies, community outcomes and greater collaboration and integration.



to pay due regard to the Equalities Impact Assessment, attached as Appendix B, in considering the proposal for a Stronger Somerset.

(Voting on (b) to (e): 41 in favour, 13 against, 0 abstentions)



to note that, in the best interests of the communities and residents of South Somerset, the Council will continue to work with colleagues across all tiers of local government and public service in Somerset including ensuring our residents, communities and businesses are supported through the pandemic.

(Voting on (f): 49 in favour, 5 against, 0 abstentions)


To confirm the submission of the Stronger Somerset proposal for the reform of local government including the creation of two unitary Councils within Somerset to the Secretary of State for Housing, Communities and Local Government by 9th December 2020.



Supporting documents: