Agenda item

Planning Application 20/01996/S73 - Pilgrims Weir lane, Yeovilton, BA22 8EU


Proposal: Application to remove planning condition 4 (agricultural tie) of approval 781603.


The Case Officer, Planning presented the application as detailed in the agenda and with the aid of a PowerPoint presentation, proceeded to show the site. She explained policy HG10 that related to this condition. Her key consideration was whether the proposal complied with this policy and whether it had been proven that the dwelling is no longer required for an agricultural worker. The agent confirmed the land had now been sold off. The house had five acres attached to it and the property was vacant.

The reason for refusal was because the applicant had not demonstrated that there was no need for a dwelling with restricted occupancy to serve local need. It had not given anyone the opportunity to buy this at a reduced rate and live locally which is contrary to Policy HG10 of the Local plan.


The Agent then addressed the committee. Some of his comments included:

·         The property is within a village location not out in the countryside.

·         There are approvals for residential development within Yeovilton so no reason why a replacement dwelling could not be granted as it is within the village.

·         The building is no longer relevant to a farm.

·         No other surrounding properties have an agricultural tie.


Ward Member Councillor Tony Capozzoli spoke to members in support of this application. He knows the area very well and explained the dairy farm was sold off years ago.

He referenced a similar application where the Committee approved it contrary to the Officers recommendation.


Ward Members Councillor Charlie Hull and Councillor Paul Rowsell agreed that the historic policy is very outdated and seconded the approval of the application.


During a short discussion it was highlighted by Members that there had been time for the applicant to have to followed the policy and market the property.


The Lead Specialist suggested reason for approval being: The removal of the agricultural tie is acceptable as the property does not relate to any agricultural holding. Accordingly, the application is considered to accord with the aims and objectives of policy SD1 of the South Somerset Local Plan. The condition that no garage be erected without permission would also be imposed.


It was then proposed and seconded to approve the application contrary to the officer’s recommendation. On being put to the vote this was carried by ten votes for and one against.




RESOLVED:  It was resolved to go against the officer’s recommendation and approve the application for the following reason:


01.         The removal of the agricultural tie is acceptable as the property does not relate to any agricultural holding. Accordingly the application is considered to accord with the aims and objectives of policy SD1 of the South Somerset Local Plan.





01.         Notwithstanding the provisions of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order 2020, no garage shall be erected without the written permission of the Local Planning Authority and the approval by the LPA of the design, siting and external appearance of such garage and the means of access thereto.


Reason: In the interests of visual amenity and highway safety, in accordance with policy EQ2 and TA5 of the South Somerset Local Plan.



(Voting:10 in favour of approval and 1 against)

Supporting documents: