Agenda item

Planning Application 20/00149/REM - Land off Station Road, Crewkerne, TA18 8AJ


Application Proposal: Reserved Matters planning application following Outline approval 14/02141/OUT and amended under 19/03483/S73 for up to 110 residential dwellings (Use Class C3) including layout, scale, appearance and landscaping.


With the aid of a powerpoint presentation, the Specialist – Principal Planner gave a detailed presentation on the application.  Points covered during the presentation included the following:


·         Outline of the site location plan and surrounding area.

·         A background to the previously approved applications.

·         Location of the Link Road and alignment of the road throughout the site.

·         The previously approved access and junction design which would service the proposed scheme and involved the removal of trees.

·         The Reserved Matters application before members included the appearance, design, landscaping, layout and the scale of the housing scheme within the site.

·         Photographs showing the site location, access, removal of trees, site topography and location of the spur road to service the employment land.

·         Layout and infrastructure of the site.

·         Location of the play and recreational facilities.

·         Proposed house types and materials.

·         The scheme provided a predominately 2-story housing layout with few residential neighbours. 

·         The layout generally followed the framework that had been established in the previously approved schemes.

·         The scheme provided parking standards to county requirements.

·         The scheme provided a tree lined street and retained the existing hedgerow with further tree planting to create a green route through the site.

·         Acoustic fencing was being proposed along the boundary between the development and the Eden Building. 

·         A condition was being proposed to deal with the issue of phosphates.


The Specialist - Principal Planner recommended an amendment to Condition 1 to emphasise that the Plans Condition would not sanction works that were otherwise governed by the access arrangements which had been previously approved.  He advised that the reason for the amendment was that Taylor Wimpey had submitted minor modifications to reduce the number of trees to be removed to 3.


The Specialist - Principal Planner reminded members that outline planning permission had previously been approved to establish the access and the provision of the link road and consideration was only being given to an area inside the site relating to layout, scale, appearance and landscaping.  He was satisfied that noise impacts were being managed by condition and a solution had been agreed to the onsite phosphate issues.  He was therefore recommending approval of the application.


In response to member questions, the Specialist – Principal Planner confirmed the following:


·         The number of trees proposed for removal was reduced to 3.  Ultimately, the Highway Authority would have their own duty of care to deal with safe road structures and safe retaining structures.  If the Highway Authority were to dispute Taylor Wimpey’s detailed designs, there could be issues with keeping at that number.  All parties were working to reduce tree loss and the outcome would be better than the loss of 8 which was the number of trees originally approved to be removed.

·         The trees already removed were ones which were approved for removal in previous plans. 

·         The triggers for the Link Road were prior to the occupation of 200 houses or 4 years from first occupation and prior to the occupation of 1,000 sqm of employment space or within 7 years of the first occupation.

·         Taylor Wimpey had indicated that they would be prepared to extend the noise mitigation fence further along the boundary.


The Committee was then addressed by 4 people in objection to the application.  Points raised related to the following:


·         The local countryside and green spaces had been a lifeline throughout the lockdown and housebuilding proposed on greenbelt in local plans had quadrupled since 2012 with only 1 in 10 homes considered affordable.

·         Concerns over the removal of trees and lack of consultation with the local community.

·         Questioned what assurances the Developer would give to protecting the trees, hedgerows, ancient holloways full of biodiversity and eco systems.

·         Removal of trees was not in line with the Council’s Environmental Strategy.

·         The Link Road did not provide any traffic alleviation from Crewkerne Town Centre and only linked the housing developments with the two A-Roads which would increase the traffic congestion in the town centre.

·         Concerns over access to the site and an increase in traffic.

·         No consideration had been given to the effect of residential development on the existing and well established business operating from the Eden Building as well as the care home and occupiers of properties located immediately along the boundary.

·         The business operating from the Eden Building was a manufacturing business that operated 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and the yard area bordering residential areas were hives of activity day and night.

·         Suggested the rerouting of the roads to follow the boundary lines of the Eden Building.  The roads would act as a physical barrier between the two and help to minimise confrontation.


The Committee was then addressed by the Applicant’s Agent and he informed members that the application had been in the public domain for a long time.  He commented that it had never been the intention to remove more trees than was necessary and work had been undertaken with partners to try and minimise the tree loss and a technical solution achieved.  He confirmed that the best way to mitigate against noise was with acoustic fencing and indicated that Taylor Wimpey were hoping to commence works in the current year.


Ward Member, Councillor Mike Best commented that he had been involved with progress of the key site for many years and although the location near an industrial site was not ideal, there had been viability challenges within the site.  He said that the Link Road had been required for some time and also referred to the benefit of the site being deliverable and mitigation measures in place to deal with the Phosphates issue.  He also referred to others developments in Crewkerne and commented that the key site development would take the pressure off the housing demand for Crewkerne and indicated his support for the application. 


Ward Member, Councillor Ben Hodgson expressed some concerns over the potential for noise nuisance from the north west of the site but was minded to approve the Officer’s recommendation.


Ward Member, Councillor Robin Pailthorpe supported the views expressed by his fellow ward members and indicated his support for the application.


No further comments were made by members of the Committee.


It was proposed and seconded to approve the application as per the Officer’s recommendation as outlined in the report subject to the following amendments to conditions as recommended by the Specialist – Principal Planner.


·         Revised noise condition to include the Eden Building

·         Revised plans condition to ensure no overlap with the access details already approved with the outline consent.


A vote was taken and the application was unanimously approved.



That Planning Application No. 20/00149/REM be APPROVED as per the Officer’s recommendation subject to amendments to the plans and noise conditions for the following reason:


The proposed development is of a form and scale that respects the character and amenity of its setting, informed by the access and road layouts established by outline planning permission 14/02141/OUT as amended by permission reference 19/03483/S73. Furthermore the development accords with the provisions of policies SS1, EQ1, EQ2 and EQ4 of the adopted South Somerset Local Plan 2006 - 2028 and provides appropriate mitigation to ensure the development will not significantly impact upon the Somerset Levels and Moors Ramsar site.




01. The development hereby permitted shall be carried out in complete accordance with the following plans and documents except where the plans hereby approved show works that are covered by the access (and its associated landscaping) the subject of planning permission 19/03483/S.73 or any amendment to that permission.


Approved Plans:

H01 A Typical Elevations (AA25) H01 A 04.00 P1

H02 A Plans & Typical Section (NA44) H02 A 02.00 P2

H02 A Typical Elevations (NA44) H02 A 04.00 P1

H03 A Plans & Typical Section (PA25) H03 A 02.00 P2

H03 A Typical Elevations (PA25) H03 A 04.00 P1

H04 A Plans & Typical Section (AB31) H04 A 02.00 P2

H04 A Typical Elevations (AB31) H04 A 04.00 PH04 P2

H05 A Plans & Typical Section (PA34) H05 A 02.00 P2

H05 A Typical Elevations (PA34) H05 A 04.00 P1

H05 A Typical Elevations (PA34) H05 A 04.01 P1

H05 A Typical Elevations (PA34) H05 A 04.02 P1

H05 A Typical Elevations (PA34) H05 A 04.03 P1

H06 A Plans & Typical Section (PT36) H06 A 02.00 P2

H06 A Typical Elevations (PT36) H06 A 04.00 P1

H06 A Typical Elevation(PT36) H06 B 04.01 P1

H07 A Plans & Typical Section (NA24) H07 A 02.00 P2

H07 A Typical Elevations (NA42) H07 A 04.00 P1

H07 B Typical Elevations (NA42) H07 A 04.01 P1

H08 A Plans & Typical Section (NT40) H08 A 02.00 P2

H08 A Typical Elevations (NT40) H08 A 04.00 P1

Site Location Plan L01.01 P1

Site Layout Plan L02.01 P1

Wider Site Layout Plan L02.01.01 P1

Site Layout Plan Colour L02.01 P1

External Materials Plan L02.05 P1

Boundary Treatment Plan L92.01-02 P1

Landscape and Boundary Details L92.03-05 P1

Hardworks Plan L93.01-02 P1

Softworks Plan L94.01-02 P1

LEAP Plan L94.03 P1

Landscape Strategy - Attenuation L94.04 P1

Landscape Strategy - Employment L94.05 P1

Landscape Strategy - Site Wide L94.06 P1

Artist Impression View 1 L04.01 P1

Artist Impression View 2 L04.02 P1

Street Elevations A-D L04.101 P1

Street Elevations E-I L04.102 P1

Street Elevations J-M L04.103 P1

H0 Apartments Plans H00 A02.00 P1

H0 Apartments Roof Plan H00 A 02.01 P1

H0 Apartments Ele's & Section A-A H00 A 04.00 P2

H0 Apartments Ele's & Section B-B H00 A 04.00 P2

H01 Plans & Typical Section (AA25) H01 A 02.00 P2



Design and Access Statement

Planning Statement prepared by Stantec

Landscape and Ecological Management Strategy prepared by EAD Ecology

Landscape and Ecological Management Plan prepared by EAD Ecology

Construction and Ecological Management Plan

Transport Assessment prepared by Odyssey

Travel Plan prepared by Odyssey

Utilities Assessment

Site Waste Management Plan

Tree Survey and Arboricultural Impact Assessment prepared by Aspect

Noise Management Impact Assessment including Noise Management Strategy prepared by Energist


Reason: For the avoidance of doubt as to the development authorised and to ensure this permission does not of itself approve the removal of roadside trees and replacement planting at the site access and in the interest of proper planning.


02. The development hereby permitted shall be constructed with the materials specified on the submitted plans and in Section 5.4 of the Design & Access Statement. Prior to construction above ground level, a sample of the bricks, stone, timber cladding, dark grey slate and pantile/plain tile roof shall be provided to the Local Planning Authority and approved in writing prior to its use. The approved materials will be used in the development and shall not be changed without written consent of the Local Planning Authority.


Reason: In the interest of visual amenity and to ensure the development is constructed to give a high quality appearance in accordance with Policy EQ2 of the South Somerset Local Plan (2006-2028) and the provisions of the National Planning Policy Framework (as amended).


03. The landscaping proposed including all planting, seeding, turfing earth mounding and the protection of existing features shall be implemented as set out in the Landscape and Ecological Management Strategy dated December 2019, the Landscape and Ecological Management Plan dated December 2019, the Tree Survey and Arboricultural Impact Assessment dated 6th December 2019 and the approved landscape plans defined and subject to the provisions set out at Condition 1.


Reason: In the interest of the amenity of the site and the area and to ensure that the landscaping of the site is undertaken in an appropriate manner which will protect existing vegetation and help ensure the establishment of new planting in accordance with Policies EQ2 and EQ5 of the South Somerset Local Plan (2006-2028) and the provisions of the NPPF.


04. Prior to the first occupation of the development hereby approved a footpath diversion order application shall be submitted to, and approved by the Local Planning Authority. Prior to the diversion order being made and confirmed there shall be no interference with the use of footpaths CH 33/51 and CH 33/52 and the diverted route made available to the satisfaction of the Local Planning Authority.


Reason: To protect the amenity of footpath users and to ensure the site is provided with a range of connections to the wider setting in accordance with Policy EQ 2 of the South Somerset Local Plan (2006-2028) and the provisions of the NPPF.


05. No occupation of any dwelling shall take place until the approved Fallow Land Management Plan Phase 1 Crewkerne (Feb 2021) has been fully implemented and this achievement confirmed in writing to the Local Planning Authority. The requirements of the Management Plan shall thereafter be strictly complied with for the duration of the occupancy of the development.


Reason: In the interest of the biodiversity of the Somerset Levels and Moor Ramsar Consultation in accordance with Policy EQ4 of the South Somerset Local Plan 2016-2028 and the provisions of the NPPF.

06. All the recommendations set out in the Noise Impact Report dated 11th December 2019 shall be implemented prior to the occupation of any dwellings. In addition, prior to the first occupation of any dwelling a scheme to provide noise attenuation to properties along the site's common boundary with the Eden Building will be submitted to, and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority and implemented in accordance with the agreed scheme.


Reason: In the interest of the living conditions of future residents on the site.


07. Prior to commencement of the development, site vegetative clearance, ground-works, heavy machinery entering site or the on-site storage of materials, a scheme of tree and hedgerow protection measures shall be prepared by a suitably qualified Arboricultural Consultant who is familiar with supporting planning applications in accordance with British Standard 5837: 2012 - Trees in relation to design, demolition and construction and the prepared scheme shall be submitted to the Council for their approval in-writing. Prior to commencement of the development, the appointed Arboricultural Consultant shall inspect and confirm in-writing to the Council (contact us at that the installation of the approved tree and hedgerow protection measures has been carried out to a satisfactory standard. The approved protection requirements must remain implemented in their entirety for the duration of the construction of the development and may only be moved, removed or dismantled with the prior consent of the Council in-writing.


Reason: To preserve existing landscape features (trees and hedgerows) in accordance with the Council's policies as stated within The South Somerset Local Plan (2006 - 2028); EQ2: General Development, EQ4: Bio-Diversity & EQ5: Green Infrastructure.


 (Voting: unanimous in favour)


Supporting documents: