Agenda item

Reports to be considered by District Executive on 3 June 2021


Members considered the reports within the District Executive agenda for 3 June 2021 (Informal Consultative meeting) and raised comments as detailed below. Responses to most questions and comments were provided at Scrutiny Committee (Informal Meeting) by the relevant officers or Portfolio Holder – except those marked with an asterisk.


Relocation of Emergency Accommodation (Agenda item 5)


·        Regarding the Homes England grant – is there any update about the outcome or when the outcome may be known? Also would the outcome of the Homes England grant impact the funding figure detailed in the recommendation at paragraph 5?

·        Members sought clarification about provision of emergency accommodation for females and also provision for anyone with pets.

·        Financial implications - Members asked if agreeing this funding would impact on other projects coming forward?


Dealing with Planning Applications: Our Approach to Negotiation (Agenda item 6)


·        Members queried the suggestion that amendments to planning applications would result in an extension of time, and is the intention of this to ensure applications stay within the 8-9 week timeframe and amendments are discouraged.

·        Members sought clarification about charges for pre-application advice – do charges apply to small applications as well as larger ones?

·        One member expressed his frustration with the planning service provided which he felt was poor. He felt the whole situation with the planning service was very concerning with little on the ground seeming to change.

·        Another member noted that he felt things were getting better and that supportive comments were being expressed by some parishes.

·        A member noted that it was important at the pre-application stage for officers to be candid about the information being provided.

·        Members asked if there was a replacement Lead for the planning service?

·        Members noted it was acknowledged by the team and officers that the planning service isn’t fixed and work was ongoing to streamline processes and improve the service.

·        The Chairman noted that new processes were being trialled and it would be good to receive some feedback at a later date about how effective the changes have been or the lessons learned.


The ‘Making’ of the Queen Camel Neighbourhood Plan (Agenda item 7)


·        No comments.


The ‘Making’ of the Martock Neighbourhood Plan (Agenda item 8)


·        A member asked how many other neighbourhood plans were currently going through the process.


Investments Assets Update Report (Agenda item 9)

(Scrutiny did not go into confidential session)


·        Members acknowledged an update from the Commercial Property, Land & Development Manager that the graph ‘20/21 Performance Against Budget’ would be moved from the confidential appendix into the public report.

·        Para 9 in confidential appendix – referring to the coloured table, it was observed that there are a number of investments that seem to be showing as a nil or negative return in the future, members asked for some further explanation on the reasons for these assumptions.

·        Some members suggested a briefing or workshop for members to help understand in more detail the approach for our investments (what and where) would be useful

·        Members sought clarification about delivery of commercial investments going forward as the current director would be Chief Executive in a few days. Members sought reassurance that there would be no conflicts of interest – especially regarding our directorship in some of the companies.

·        Members requested an update regarding the Marks & Spencer (M&S) store as it was believed the company were reviewing their land holdings.

·        Members also requested an update regarding Yeovil Town Football Club and what the current status was.

·        Members congratulated the team on their work, especially during current circumstances.

·        It was noted there was some budget remaining for investment – some members queried if this would be impacted by the unitary decision in a few months time?


District Executive Forward Plan (Agenda item 10)


·        August – Review of Commercial Strategy – it was noted Clare Pestell’s name was detailed for the report. Members queried if this was correct given that Clare would be CEO in the near future.

·        Some members queried if there should be a report added for around July due to the pending decision from the Secretary of State for Housing, Communities & Local Government regarding local government reorganisation in Somerset?

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