Agenda item

Planning Application 21/00008/FUL - Land West Of 18 Compton Pauncefoot Yeovil Somerset BA22 7JE


The Planning Specialist presented the report to members and with the aid of a Power Point presentation, proceeded to show the site and proposed plans. He updated members on the amended red line of the site. This had been made smaller since the agenda had been published.

He explained to members his key considerations were Visual Impact in the conservation Area, and Public benefits of parking vehicles off the road, and having access to the sewage tank. The harm of the visual impact in the conservation area outweighed the benefits and therefore he was recommending refusal of the application.


The Conservation Specialist addressed members to explain that the character of the village that was in a conservation area would be altered if the development was to go ahead. This could set a precedent in other open field areas in the village and could then make the area look very different.


A member of the public and a representative from CPRE Somerset spoke in Objection to the application and some of their points included:

·         The two storey building would have a visual impact and stand out in the village

·         The site was within the conservation area and the field is ringed with Listed Heritage assets including the grade 2 listed Church.

·         Suggested there was space down the side of the property for parking.

·         That the sewage tank can be emptied from the side of the road without issues.

·         Was speaking on behalf of 20 residents in objection to the application.

·         As the field was 1 metre above the lane the car port would stand out.

·          There was not an issue with parking on the lane.


There were four speakers in support of the application including members of the public, the owner of the cottage and the Agent. Some of their points included:

·         As a visitor of the area they found walking that part of the lane dangerous when here was oncoming vehicles or cyclists.

·         As the future looks toward Electric vehicles, off-road parking would be need for charging and that planning for this should be taken into consideration.

·         It was the only property in the village without off road parking.

·         It would greatly improve the situation for the resident living in the village and for better access to the sewage system.

·         Highways were in support of the safe access to the sewage system and car port

·         Electric pylons situated next to the property were preventing the creation of parking down the side.

·         The applicant responded to how the plans could be improved by reducing the size of the plans.


Ward Member Councillor William Wallace noted the application was before committee due it being so finely balanced and wanted the application to be heard in the public domain. He would not be commenting or voting due to being a friend of one of the supporters.


Ward Member Councillor Hayward Burt considered that the car port would be intrusive to the landscape and that it fails policy EQ2 of the local plan. The benefits did not outweigh the harm that would be caused in the conservation area. While acknowledging the closeness of this application, he was in support of the officer’s recommendation for refusal.


After a member’s comments, the Planning Specialist confirmed he had visited the site himself, and that although the conservation officer was unable to, they had worked closely together on the application.


During discussion mixed opinions were expressed and some of the comments included:

·         There had been no objections from Highways, Ecology, Historic England or South West heritage Trust and it was recommended to approve the application.

·         Seemed an overdevelopment for the provision of one vehicle, another member agreed with this.

·         Did support the suggestion of an EV charging point.

·         Questioned why the application needed the car port if the new access solved the parking and access to sewage tank.


It was then seconded to approve the application, and members agreed conditions read out by the Planning specialist which included the standard time limit, plans, limited the building to ancillary use, landscaping, permeable materials to be used, an EV charging point and a ground source heat pump as per the applicant’s choice. On being put to the vote the proposal was carried 4 votes in favour, 3 against and 2 abstentions.



RESOLVED:  That members recommend the Chief Executive APPROVE the planning application 21/00008/FUL, contrary to the officer’s recommendation for the following reason;


Reason:          The public benefits of the proposal are considered to outweigh the harm caused to the conservation area and the proposal is therefore in accordance with polices EQ2, EQ3 and TA5 of the south Somerset Local Plan and the provisions of the National Planning Policy Framework.





01.       The development hereby permitted shall be begun before the expiration of three years from the date of this permission.


            Reason:  To accord with the provisions of section 91(1) of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990.

02.       The development hereby permitted shall be carried out in accordance with the following approved plans:


            13168_003_A_ Proposed Plan

            13168_001_ Site Location Plan

13168_004 Garage Plans and Elevations

            0983-008B Site access and vehicle swept path analysis


            Reason: For the avoidance of doubt and in the interests of proper planning.

03.       Notwithstanding the provisions of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order 2015 (or any Order revoking and re-enacting that Order) the carport and workshop hereby approved shall only be used for purposes ancillary to number 18 Compton Road, Comtpon Pauncefoot.


            Reason - To define the permission which is justified on the basis of the public benefits of providing vehicle parking to number 18 in accordance with policies SS2, EQ2 and EQ3 of the South Somerset Local Plan and the provisions of the National planning policy Framework.                        

04.       Prior to first use of the building hereby approved an electric vehicle charging point (EVCP) rated at a minimum of 16 amps shall have been provided in accordance with details indicating the siting, design, rating and appearance of the EVCP which shall have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority.  The EVCP shall be permanently retained and maintained thereafter.


Reason: To ensure provision of an EVCP for low emission vehicles as part of

the transition to a low carbon economy, having regard to Policy TA1 of the

South Somerset Local Plan and relevant guidance within the NPPF.

05.       Prior to first use of the building hereby approved the ground source heat pump shall have been provided in accordance with details submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The works shall be carried out in accordance with the submitted details and retained as such.


            To ensure provision of renewable sources in accordance with Policy EQ1 of the South Somerset Local Plan and relevant guidance within the NPPF.

06.       The development hereby permitted shall not come into use until there has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority a scheme of hard and soft landscaping, which shall include details of permeable materials and  indications of all existing trees and hedgerows on the land, and details of any to be retained, together with measures for their protection in the course of the development, as well as details of any changes proposed in existing ground levels; all planting, seeding, turfing or earth moulding comprised in the approved details of landscaping shall be carried out in the first planting and seeding season following the occupation of the building or the completion of the development, whichever is the sooner; and any trees or plants which within a period of five years from the completion of the development die, are removed or become seriously damaged or diseased shall be replaced in the next planting season with others of similar size and species, unless the Local Planning Authority gives written consent to any variation.


Reason: In the interests of the appearance of the site and surrounding area in accordance with polices EQ2 and EQ3 of the South Somerset Local Plan and the provisions of the National Planning Policy Framework.



(Voting: 4 in favour, 3 against, 2 abstentions)







Supporting documents: