Agenda item

Presentation by South Somerset Association for Voluntary and Community Action (SSVCA)


Sam Best, SSVCA Chief Executive officer introduced herself and explained the work of the organisation. Her comprehensive presentation included information about:

·         The aims, background and structure of the SSVCA

·         Community transport

·         Furnicare

·         Voluntary Sector Support

·         Somerset Emergency Volunteers

·         Achievements over the past year

·         Plans for 2014 and beyond

During discussion, Ms Best responded to comments raised by members. Members congratulated the SSVCA on the work done, and continuing to be done regarding the flooding last winter. It was also commented that SSVCA and Ms Best were to be congratulated on the work achieved over the past 5 to 10 years as funding had continuously been cut.

Members thanked Ms Best for providing her informative presentation and for all the work done by volunteers.


That the report and presentation be noted.


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