Agenda item

Flooding, Drainage and Civil Contingencies


The Engineer presented his report as detailed in the agenda. He addressed some of the comments made during public question time and informed members that a meeting was taking place the following day with the Somerton Flood Action Group.

He highlighted it was important that members noted appendix A which explained the responsibilities and roles of different organisations involved with flooding and drainage.

(the meeting was suspended at this point for 15 minutes due to a fire alarm)

At the end of the discussion, a member thanked the Engineer for his easy to understand report and commented it would be useful for members to receive a presentation from Somerset County Council regarding its role as the lead Local Flood Authority. It was agreed this would be added to the Forward Plan.

Councillor Patrick Palmer, gave a short presentation to thank the Engineer for his 48 years of service as an officer of the council and to wish him a happy retirement.


That the report and presentation be noted.


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