Agenda item

Review of Priority Project 1 of the Council’s Annual Action Plan 2021- 2022




That District Executive recommend that the Chief Executive propose to Full Council that the outcomes and key milestones contained in Priority Project 1 are revised as per Appendix A of this report.


To recommend the revised Priority Project 1 outcomes and key milestones for adoption within the Council’s Annual Action Plan 2021-2022to reflect the current Covid 19 Recovery and Renewal Strategy as adopted by District Executive on 1st April 2021.



The Portfolio Holder for Commercial Services and Income Generation advised that it was correct to review the Priority Project 1 of the Annual Action Plan as the Council recovered from the effects of the COVID pandemic and add a quarterly action plan.  


The Economic Development Specialist advised that if agreed, the outcomes and key milestones within Priority Project 1 would be aligned with the Recovery and Renewal Strategy as adopted by District Executive on 1st April and would allow a more focussed delivery of the objectives.


The Chairman of the Scrutiny Committee said they had raised several points regarding sources of funding, engagement with education providers to assist with employment, what progress had been made with the health and well-being framework, more information required on the digital infrastructure, how the Action Plan would integrate in the future of local government in Somerset, and, any carry over of work not completed in quarter one to quarter two.  He noted that the majority of questions were answered at their meeting.  


The Portfolio Holder for Commercial Services and Income Generation advised that the funding of all Council Plan actions and objectives were regularly reviewed and further details would be reported shortly to the District Executive within the Financial Strategy report.  He also confirmed that SSDC worked closely with Yeovil College as an education provider of leadership in employment.


The Lead Specialist for Economy, Place and Recovery confirmed that he had attended the Scrutiny Committee meeting to answer their questions and he could provide more detail if required, particularly regarding the welfare and wellbeing plan, which was a joint project between Economy and Community.


The Lead Specialist for Communities advised that as the NHS emerged from the pandemic, they were more collaborative at a local level and they were developing a neighbourhood approach to working with SSDC and the voluntary sector to address health.   The long term health effects of COVID were not yet known and the NHS had done some public heath profiling so they could work together on a Health and Wellbeing Framework and use the information to bring funding applications forward. 


In response to a question, the Economic Development Specialist confirmed that the recovery and growth projects being progressed by Economic Development team had two overarching themes of inclusivity and environment.  Green jobs had been discussed with staff at Yeovil College in their training provision for re-skilling workers and there was an aspiration for employment hubs across the district which would link to the Government’s green jobs plan.


At the conclusion of the debate, Members were content to propose the recommendations to Full Council. 



That District Executive recommend that the Chief Executive propose to Full Council that the outcomes and key milestones contained in Priority Project 1 are revised as per Appendix A of this report.


To recommend the revised Priority Project 1 outcomes and key milestones for adoption within the Council’s Annual Action Plan 2021-2022to reflect the current Covid 19 Recovery and Renewal Strategy as adopted by District Executive on 1st April 2021.


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