Agenda item
That Council agreed: |
a. |
To ensure that SSDC continues to do everything in its power to build a district free from misogyny and violence against women and girls. This includes continuing to invest in vital services, listening and responding to women and girls about the action needed, and calling out misogyny and sexism wherever we see or hear it. |
b. |
That it is vital that women’s and girl’s voices are heard; and that the Council will bring forward a process that proactively encourages and listens to women’s voices across the district. This task force will seek to involve all women Councillors. |
c. |
To promote the Our Streets Now campaign to make street harassment a crime, and encourage all elected members, and residents to sign their petition. |
d. |
Call on the government to ratify the Istanbul Convention on preventing and combatting Violence Against Women and Girls, to ratify the International Labour Organisation’s No.190, recognising the right of everyone to work free from gender based violence and harassment and to make street harassment a criminal offence. |
e. |
To call on the Government to provide the resource and funding for police forces across the UK to effectively tackle harassment, misogyny and domestic abuse. |
f. |
To call on Avon and Somerset Police to record harassment of women and girls as a hate crime as soon as possible, not wait until they are required to do so. |
g. |
To call on Avon and Somerset Police to prioritise investigating crimes against women and girls and ask them to ensure that women and girls are treated with the required sensitivity. |
h. |
To work with Avon and Somerset Police on improving women’s safety in South Somerset. |
i. |
To continue to work with local and national networks working to end violence against women and girls |
j. |
To call on the County Council to work with schools and families to tackle toxic masculinity culture, and to educate men through campaigns and bringing in male “allies”. |
k. |
To become a White Ribbon Accredited Organisation. |
Reason: |
To support the end of misogyny and male violence against women and girls. |
(Voting: unanimous in favour)
End Misogyny and Male Violence against Women and Girls
Councillor Sarah Dyke proposed her Motion to Council. She said that violence against women and girls in all forms must be prevented but it was prevalent in society today. Reports of rape and violence were rising but convictions for sexual violence were at an all-time low. Reports of crimes motivated by misogyny were not recorded as such by the police and so women were unprotected as misogyny was not a hate crime. Society needed to change. She highlighted a number of statistics listed in her report relating to harassment at work and sexual assaults. She also noted that 4% of men had also experienced some type of sexual harassment and they also required support. But her Motion related to violence against women and girls. Domestic abuse crimes had increased since 2016 by 63% and the Government had pledged funding towards this, but more was needed. She listed the requests in her Motion and said that in 2021 misogyny and male violence against women and girls should not happen. She asked that Council support her Motion.
During discussion, the following points were made:-
· We need to focus on assaults and violence against all people, not just women.
· Within Avon & Somerset Police there was Operation Bluestone to combat violence and decrease vulnerability crime and a new strategy was being developed.
· The Avon & Somerset Police had a rape and sexual offences lead officer with a focus on protecting the most vulnerable.
· The Motion should be supported and also any future Motion on misandry (the hatred of, contempt for, or prejudice against men or boys in general).
· Abuse in all forms should be ended.
· Pleased to see the proposals to work with partners.
· Do not wish to see young men given criminal records for misguided comments therefore the definition of harassment needed clarifying.
· ‘Ask for Annie’ scheme operated in Community Pharmacies to provide safe shelter and access to support from domestic violence.
The Motion was seconded by Councillor Nicola Clark. She read out a quote from the organisation End Violence against Women which described the impact of violence. Spoke about the effects of abusive relationships on women and children and the long term effects on their mental health. She acknowledged that men and boys were also victims to abuse and it was important that support was available for them. She said it was important that SSDC continued to work with Avon & Somerset police to reduce serious violence in all forms. She said incidences of domestic violence and sexual abuse continued to be under-reported although reports had increased during the COVID pandemic. She concluded with the comments from HM Inspector of the Constabulary and said it was important for all agencies to work together to prevent and tackle violence against women and girls.
At the conclusion of the debate, Members unanimously supported the Motion.
That Council agreed: |
a. |
To ensure that SSDC continues to do everything in its power to build a district free from misogyny and violence against women and girls. This includes continuing to invest in vital services, listening and responding to women and girls about the action needed, and calling out misogyny and sexism wherever we see or hear it. |
b. |
That it is vital that women’s and girl’s voices are heard; and that the Council will bring forward a process that proactively encourages and listens to women’s voices across the district. This task force will seek to involve all women Councillors. |
c. |
To promote the Our Streets Now campaign to make street harassment a crime, and encourage all elected members, and residents to sign their petition. |
d. |
Call on the government to ratify the Istanbul Convention on preventing and combatting Violence Against Women and Girls, to ratify the International Labour Organisation’s No.190, recognising the right of everyone to work free from gender based violence and harassment and to make street harassment a criminal offence. |
e. |
To call on the Government to provide the resource and funding for police forces across the UK to effectively tackle harassment, misogyny and domestic abuse. |
f. |
To call on Avon and Somerset Police to record harassment of women and girls as a hate crime as soon as possible, not wait until they are required to do so. |
g. |
To call on Avon and Somerset Police to prioritise investigating crimes against women and girls and ask them to ensure that women and girls are treated with the required sensitivity. |
h. |
To work with Avon and Somerset Police on improving women’s safety in South Somerset. |
i. |
To continue to work with local and national networks working to end violence against women and girls |
j. |
To call on the County Council to work with schools and families to tackle toxic masculinity culture, and to educate men through campaigns and bringing in male “allies”. |
k. |
To become a White Ribbon Accredited Organisation. |
Reason: |
To support the end of misogyny and male violence against women and girls. |
(voting: unanimous in favour)
Supporting documents: