Agenda item
SWAP Internal Audit Progress Report 2021-22
The Assistant Director (SWAP) presented the report, which updated members on the Internal Audit Plan progress and highlighted any progress and changes with the annual plan brought any findings to member’s attention. He highlighted some elements of the report including:
· Work that’s been completed since the previous update;
o Green homes grant
o Chard regeneration projects - lessons learnt
o Regeneration project governance review
· One priority 2 action in the follow up audit of the project governance review would remain outstanding due to changes in staffing and that unitary was coming into effect.
· The other priority 2 findings for the Regeneration project governance review were now complete.
· Key findings of the Chard regeneration projects lessons learnt
· Two additions to the audit plan, the decarbonisation Grant sign off would be moved to Q1 due to an extension on the grant and Unitary lessons learnt for Audit partners to share with the current LGR board.
· The Covid19 grant works were put on hold due to the omicron grant and would be looking to move this to Q1.
· Opium arrangements work had started and would look to give joint feedback to audit committee along with management.
· Due to Unitary there would be an expectation of plan disruption and a need to be flexible.
The Chairman explained to members the reason for the Opium report being moved to a later date and that the report and SWAP report will be brought to committee together.
One member queried the detail of the ongoing urgent matter and the Assistant Director (SWAP) explained that the ongoing urgent confidential matter was in relation to the recent investigation that was undertaken. A separate controls report that showed areas that could be strengthened could be shared with members but a follow up would happen in 22/23 and feedback would be provided to members to give assurance that recommendations have been implemented.
There was a query in relation to the regeneration projects and the Chief Finance Officer informed members that both Wincanton and Yeovil refresh projects were underway and the District Executive agenda for the 17th February had public reports regarding both refresh projects that were viewable on the public website.
In response to a question regarding the ongoing confidential matter, the Chairman informed members that he was made aware that some of SWAP’s time was being used for a confidential audit matter. The Monitoring Officer said the question on whether the Audit Chairman and members should have been further informed would be something that would be looked at with the lessons learnt.
The Chief Finance Officer responded to a further question on the lessons learnt from Chard Regeneration and assured members that the whole approach to the regeneration programme was one of lessons learnt, and gave some examples of how they were working differently.
Councillor Robin Bastable requested the details of the role of project managers for the regeneration projects and The Monitoring Officer explained that she would ask the Director of Place and Recovery to provide the information.
There were no further comments and members were content to note the report.
Supporting documents:
1a SSDC 2021-22 Progress update Report Cover Report - New, item 50.
PDF 417 KB
1b. SWAP SSDC 2021-22 Internal Audit Progress Update Feb22, item 50.