Agenda item

Planning Application 21/03171/FUL - Rachels Stables, Temple Lane, Templecombe, Somerset, BA8 0JW


Proposal: Erection of a timber cabin as a self-build First Home with associated landscape works (re-submission of 20/02873/FUL)


The Planning Officer (Development Management) presented the application as detailed in the agenda report, and with the help of a PowerPoint presentation proceeded to show the site and proposed plans. He noted that in the report the text referring to 5 year housing supply should not be considered as there was not currently a 5 year housing land supply in place.


He highlighted his key considerations;

·         This was a residential dwelling in the open countryside

·         The proposal did not seek a rural workers tie to the land

·         The current application was comparable to the scheme that was dismissed at appeal in 2016 and the local plan that was adopted prior to the 2016 scheme was still in place and applicable to this application.

·         The proposal was in the open countryside and as the site could not be tied to the land, was considered an unsustainable location and contrary to policy and the NPPF.

·         Recommendation was for refusal.


The applicant and agent addressed the committee in support of the application and gave some of the following comments;

·         The applicant lived and worked in Templecombe

·         They could walk, cycle and ride from the site to the village and all its local facilities

·         Living on site meant the applicant would have less journeys to and from the stables where she kept her horses and therefore reduce her carbon footprint.

·         The properties in the village were not affordable for a single person on an average wage.

·         Would be happy to have a Section 106 to keep the property as an affordable home.

·         The site was not remote or far away from local facilities including bus and rail services

·         The site was well screened by vegetation and further landscaping could be provided if necessary

·         This was a modest single storey timber cabin, in keeping with the adjacent stables

·         First home scheme to enable people to get onto the property ladder with a section 106 clause to ensure it remains an affordable dwelling.

·         There would not be any adverse impacts that outweigh the benefits of the application.


Ward Member Councillor Hayward Burt noted that in the NPPF it said in rural areas planning policies should be responsive to local circumstances and local needs. This application had the support of the parish council. This was close to the village and many services. This was a self-build for a local person and he had brought this to committee as felt this was an acceptable application.


Ward member Councillor William Wallace concurred with Councillor Burt’s comments and was also supportive of the application.


There was a short discussion and member’s comments were support of the application with some comments including;

·         Affordable housing in the area was a big issue and felt that self builds are the way forward, this application was fully supported.

·         Wanted some more details on the energy efficiency of the details of the application and would want an EV charger on site.

·         Felt the self-build was in an acceptable location where the applicant would be able to walk to and from the village and their place of work.


The agent clarified that the building would be built to housing standards and that every practical measure to conserve resources would be taken. They would be happy to accept a condition to provide a scheme of measures to ensure that it was an energy efficient development.


It was proposed and seconded to approve the application and the Specialist Principal Planner (Development Management) read out the following conditions that members could agree to;


Approved plans




EV charging point

Energy efficiency Plan


Further clarity was sought by the Lead Specialist Planning around the section 106 details.


The agent explained that the Section 106 agreement would be to ensure that the build was a first home as defined by the government. The occupancy would also have a local connection. The first home product that was introduced by the government enabled private ownership rather than the traditional method of transferring houses to housing associations.


It was agreed that the applicant and officer would update the committee members with the details of the section 106 agreement and how the nomination process would work.


On being put to the vote the application 21/03171/FUL was approved unanimously, subject to the conditions agreed and to a section 106 agreement regarding first homes, rural nomination and local agreement.




That Area East committee recommend to the Chief Executive that Planning Application 21/03171/FUL be approved, subject to a section 106 regarding a first home (as defined by the government) and subject to conditions for the following;


·         Time

·         Approved plans

·         Ecology

·         Highways

·         Drainage

·         EV charging point

·         Energy efficiency Plan




01.  Although in open countryside, the scheme as detailed is deemed acceptable on the basis that the site is sufficiently close to services, and that subject to securing of a legal agreement and accordance with planning conditions, would deliver a ‘First Home’ (as defined by Central Government) and would accord with Policies SS2, TA5, TA6 and EQ4 of the South Somerset Local Plan 2006-2028.



(Voting: Unanimous)

Supporting documents: