Agenda item

Reports to be considered by District Executive on 7 July 2022


Members considered the reports within the District Executive agenda for 7 July 2022 (Informal Consultative Meeting) and raised comments as detailed below. Responses to most questions and comments were provided at Scrutiny Committee (Informal Meeting) by the relevant officers – except those marked by an asterisk:


Leisure Operator Introduction and Presentation. (Agenda item 6)

·      There were no comments or questions raised on this item.

Discretionary Energy Rebate Scheme Policy (Agenda item 7)

·      *A member asked how will this scheme fit with the £3.2m that was allocated to County for the emergency household scheme? Will applying for one scheme impact on applying for another?

·      *Para 9 -A member was intrigued as to why SSDC is offering the top up of £27, we appear to be offering more than the other districts?

Review of 2022/23 Capital Programme (Agenda item 8)

·      A member asked what might happen if corporate contingency is no longer sufficient? At what point would there need to be discussions about the affordability of a project?

Item 9. 2021/22 Revenue Budget Outturn Report (Agenda item 9)

·      One member asked a question about the Minimum Revenue Provision (MRP) and capital finance charge raised relating to SSDC Opium Ltd and linked to information within the confidential appendix for item 12 – it was agreed that this question would be raised again in confidential session.

2021/22 Capital Budget Outturn Report (Agenda item 10)

·      *Page 51 - Deletti EV Charger project - why has the project not started yet. What have been the difficulties with the legal documents and why had they not been foreseen?

·      *Page 51 - One member asked if EV chargers currently being installed in Chard and Crewkerne are Deletti or something else?

·      Page 51 - Huish Pool - concern that SSDC no longer represented on the Board due to changes in operator. Need to be cautious to ensure community use continues - needs to be monitored.

·      Chard Regeneration - seem to be some elements which have not be reported to Area West Committee e.g updates regarding access to the A358 and extension to the car park. What is the likelihood of these projects actually being delivered?

·      Page 58 - Table in appendix A - details a lot of capital expenditure for our investment properties. Was this spending foreseen / planned?

·      Page 59 - Crematorium - Understand there is still only one cremator in operation. Is the project going to be delivered according to plan and on time? A member thought the new cremator might have been operational by now.

Wincanton Regeneration Budget – Change of Scope (Agenda item 11)

·      A member asked if these are the final cost figures to complete the project? How close are we to securing these costs to avoid further increases due to inflationary market pressures?

·      Para 6 mentions property grants – a member asked if it would be possible for members to have details of who or which properties have received grants and the amounts please?

·      Para 8 - seeking the necessary consents due to transition to unitary – a member asked if there is any risk of the funds not getting endorsed by Somerset County Council?

North Cadbury and Yarlington Neighbourhood Plan (Agenda item 13)

·      The Chairman of Scrutiny endorsed the comments made by the examiner. He felt this is a very comprehensive document that addresses many aspects of neighbourhood planning such as housing, employment, travel and many more.

·      *A member asked how do the environmental aspects of this plan align with SSDC’s environment strategy?

Establishment of an Implementation Board in Somerset for the Implementation of Local Government Reorganisation (Agenda item 14)

·      One member asked if and how this is different to the LGR Joint Scrutiny Committee that was set up earlier in the year?

·      One member asked how the outcomes of this board are going to be relayed to the district authorities?

District Executive forward plan (Agenda item 15)

·      There were no comments made on this item


CONFIDENTIAL – Exclusion of the Press and Public


In accordance with Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972 (as amended), the Committee resolved that the press and public be excluded from the following item in view of the likely disclosure of exempt information as described in Paragraph 3 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A to the Act, i.e. “Information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information).

Investment Asset Update Report (Agenda item 12)

·      Members made some comments in confidential session regarding information within the confidential appendix. Some of the questions also linked to items 9 and 10 on the District Executive agenda.


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