Agenda item

Reports from members


Councillor Sue Steele informed members that she had recently attended a meeting of Musgrove Park Hospital and noted a new Chief Executive had been appointed.


Councillor Patrick Palmer noted he had attended three meetings about flooding:

·         The Royal Bath and West Society – funding for the Somerset Levels Development Fund was on schedule.

·         The Levels and Moors 20 Year Flood Action Plan update meeting held on 24 November at Huish Episcopi Academy.

·         Parrett internal Drainage Board – noting that everything was on schedule so far.

He also noted he was leading a campaign in Long Load to get a ring bank. A meeting would take place in January to agree on a scheme and ascertain the associated costs, and then funding would need to be sourced.


At this point, the Area Development Manager (North) took the opportunity to remind members of the libraries consultation currently in progress.