Agenda item

South Somerset Market Towns App - Demonstration


The Area Development Manager (North) introduced the Market Towns Investment Group (MTIG) Marketing Intern. She briefly reminded members of the work of interns and explained that the MTIG Marketing Intern had not been involved at the very start of the project.

The MTIG Marketing Intern provided an informative presentation including a demonstration of the new Market Towns app. She explained that volunteers and businesses provided the content information and each had the ability to update their own information. The presentation included information about:

·         Features of the app – special offers, galleries, integrated maps, shops and events etc.

·         Development of the app and promotion

·         Statistics about use

·         Continuing to enhance the content

One member commented that she was amazed how the app had progressed in a short time since the presentation had been made to Scrutiny. The Area Development Manager (North) noted the app had needed some careful development and thanked the officer for her work with the app and with the market towns.

The Chairman thanked the MTIG Marketing Intern for her informative and confident presentation.

RESOLVED:  That the presentation be noted.

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