Agenda item

Somerset Levels and Moors Flood Action Plan - Local Business Recovery Support


The Area Development Manager (North) introduced Nicola Bailey, Somerset Business Village Agent. Ms Bailey gave an overview of her role and provided a presentation which included information about her aim to improve Business Resilence through:

·         One to one business visits

·         Business drop in sessions in the community

·         Group events

·         Working with partners

·         Tackling emerging shared issues

She explained that she was helping businesses across the whole of Somerset and across all sectors including retail, hospitality, tourism, care, construction, manufacturing and business services. Using case studies she gave examples of both direct and indirect consequences of flooding. Emerging issues and projects were highlighted including:

·         fears of escalating insurance costs

·         businesses have lost trade

·         road closures and disruption have changes people’s habits

·         businesses are needing to rebuild their customer bases

·         sharing and learning from knowledge and experience with other flood affected areas of the UK

During a brief discussion Ms Bailey responded to members comments regarding tourism figures and property sales.

The Portfolio Holder for Environment and Economic Development, Councillor Jo Roundell Greene thanked Ms Bailey for all the work done.

RESOLVED: That the presentation be noted.

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