Agenda item

Planning Application 14/04206/REM - Land South of Coat Road, Martock.


The Planning Officer introduced the application to Members and reminded them that outline permission had been granted in October 2013.  He advised that the full details of the materials, drainage, archaeology and design of the outline permission were still to be agreed. 

The Area Lead Planning Officer clarified that there were several amendments to the proposed conditions of approval and if requested, additional conditions could be added to fence the attenuation ponds, boundary and agree a management plan for the site development. 

The Committee were then addressed by Mr R Powell (Chairman of Martock Parish Council), Mr Dowding, Mr A Clegg, Mr I Lewis and Mr T Egan in objection to the application.  Their comments included:-

·         The development is not in accord with the village’s Sustainable Development Plan.

·         2.5 storey houses are not appropriate for Martock, especially those proposed to overlook the existing Hills Orchard development.

·         The addition of pavements along Coat Road and North Street should be included within any condition of approval.

·         The development includes a number of cul-de-sacs which could be used to extend into the adjacent field so there should be a condition to restrict this. 

·         Local Plan policy ST5 states that development design should integrate into the local surroundings but this development does not do that.

·         The original Design and Access statement submitted with the outline application contained good ideas but this proposal does not. 

·         The developer should be asked to produce better design than this.

·         The existing Cobdens Ryne can vary in depth from 10 to 12 ft and can rise by 6 to 8 ft during wet weather which could pose a problem for the proposed play area nearby.

·         The proposed development has no local or Parish Council support.

·         The developer should erect a 6ft fence to provide some privacy to existing properties.

In response to questions from Members, the Area Lead Planning Officer advised that:-

·         The method of construction of the properties was not specified as planning permission was primarily concerned with the final appearance.

·         Screening opinion said an environmental assessment of the site was not necessary.

·         Negotiation with the Councils Engineer was ongoing regarding the formal drainage strategy.

Ward Councillor, Graham Middleton, advised that 2 ½ storey houses were not a consistent local roofstyle in the village.  He regretted the box style design of the houses and the lack of safety railings around the attenuation ponds.  He also felt that the road improvements along Coat Road and North Street should be included within the application.  He said that he had not supported the outline application and could not support this either. 

During discussion of the application, Members felt that the design of the site was very different from that proposed at the outline application stage and the original Design and Access statement had not been carried forward into the final plans.  Concern was also expressed at the 2.5 story high properties overlooking existing houses in Hills Orchard and the incomplete conditions of approval.

It was proposed and seconded to defer the application for further negotiation with the developer on design and to agree the conditions, however, following further debate, this proposal was withdrawn and replaced with a proposal to refuse the application. This was put to the vote and was carried (voting: unanimous in favour)


That planning application 14/04206/REM be REFUSED permission for the following reasons. 

The proposed design of the houses and the inclusion of 2 1/2 storey elements is out of character and incongruous with the established development pattern and character of Martock. As such the proposal is contrary to saved policies ST5 and ST6 of the South Somerset Local Plan 2006 and the provisions of chapter 7 of the National Planning Policy Framework.


The applicant is advised that inadequate detail has been provided to satisfactorily agree the discharge of conditions 4, 5, 6, 7 and 9 of outline approval 13/02747/OUT.

(Voting: unanimous in favour)

Supporting documents: