Agenda item

SSDC Welfare Benefit Work in South Somerset


The Welfare Benefits Team Leader provided Members with a presentation of the work of the Welfare Benefits Team.  She advised that their successes included:-

·         The team secured eight times the cost of the service in additional welfare benefits for clients.

·         The Team had a 96% success rate of welfare benefit cases taken to Tribunal level.

·         SCC ringfenced funding was to continue into 2015.

·         The team had saved 7 tenancies and maintained a further 35.

·         The Citizens Advice Bureau were now based at Petters House in Yeovil and were working in partnership with the Welfare Benefits Team.

In response to questions from Members, it was noted that the Hardship Fund related to people claiming Council Tax benefits, whereas the Discretionary Housing Fund was for people in rented accommodation who were in need of additional help with their housing costs.  The Area Development Manager (North) agreed to provide figures relating to the percentage of the population in South Somerset affected by the size restrictions for Social Sector Rents (sometimes referred to as the Bedroom Tax).

At the conclusion of the debate, the Chairman thanked the Welfare Benefits Team Leader for attending and providing an informative presentation. 

RESOLVED:  That the report and presentation be noted.

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