Agenda item

Area North Development Plan - 2014-15 - Update Report


The Area Development Manager (North) provided Members with an update on the various projects being supported by SSDC over the past months in Area North, including:-

·         The Community Land Trust taking over management of the shop in Norton Sub Hamdon

·         Guidance and support to develop a comprehensive business plan for the Drayton Arms and a loan arranged from the council

·         Help to purchase playing field for Barrington Football Club

·         Help to start up “Bumps and Babes” club at Stoke  Sub Hamdon

·         Help to arrange and run a summer holiday playscheme

·         Support for IT equipment for Martock Job Club

·         Assistance with outdoor active gym equipment and shop at Kingsbury Episcopi

·         Redesign of play area at Ilton recreation ground.

·         Help to improve Moorlands Shopping Centre, Martock

She noted that there was £4,000 remaining in the Community Grants budget up to 31st March 2015 and £225,000 available for capital projects for future years. 

During discussion, Members thanked the Area Development Manager (North) and her team of staff for their advice and support to the many community groups across the area. 


That the Area North Committee agreed:-



To note the Area North Development Plan update report 2014-15.



To note the position of the Area North Capital Programme as set out in Appendix C.



To note the position of the Area North Reserve as set out in Appendix D.



To note the position of the Area North 2014-15 Community Grants budget as set out in the report.


To provide an update on projects included within the Area North Development Plan for 2014-15.


Supporting documents: