Agenda item

Langport & Huish Episcopi - Conservation Area Appraisal and Designation of Extensions to Conservation Area (Executive Decision)



That the Area North Committee agreed:-



To approve the Langport & Huish Episcopi Conservation Area Appraisal (attached as Appendix A)



To formally designate revisions to the Langport & Huish Episcopi conservation area boundary



To advertise the extension to the designated area in accordance with the requirements of the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990


To approve the recently prepared Langport & Huish Episcopi Conservation Area Appraisal and to formally designate an extension to the conservation area.

(Voting: 7 in favour, 1 against, 2 abstentions)



The Conservation Manager advised that there had been a general review of Conservation Areas across the district, mainly concentrating on market towns, as required by legislation.  He drew Members attention to the three areas where it was proposed to extend the Langport and Huish Episcopi Conservation Area with photographs of the buildings to be included.  He outlined the public consultation which had taken place with the Town and Parish Councils, Ward Members and the public during 2014 and advised that he had recently received a letter from Curry Rivel Parish Council stating that it did not support the proposal to extend the Conservation Area into Westover, which was within the Parish of Curry Rivel. 

In response to questions from Members, the Conservation Manager advised that:-

·         Conservation Area status did not prevent changes to existing buildings but preserved the quality of an existing development.

·         The controls on development within a Conservation area were mild and extensions to properties were allowed under the usual planning process. 

·         The consultation process had been well publicised in the area and all affected households and businesses had been individually written to. 

During discussion some Members expressed concern at the possible additional cost of building materials to repair properties to a required Conservation Area standard whilst others felt this was a misconception and there were no additional costs involved.

Councillor Terry Mounter expressed his concern at the consultation process and the properties to be included in the Westover area.  He proposed the officers recommendation with the exclusion of the Westover area, however, this was not seconded and therefore the proposal fell.

The officers recommendations to formally designate the proposed revisions to the Langport & Huish Episcopi conservation area boundary were then proposed and seconded, and, on being put to the vote, were carried (voting: 7 in favour, 1 against, 2 abstentions).

At the conclusion of the vote, Councillor Terry Mounter requested that his dissent be recorded.


That the Area North Committee agreed:-



To approve the Langport & Huish Episcopi Conservation Area Appraisal (attached as Appendix A).



To formally designate revisions to the Langport & Huish Episcopi conservation area boundary.



To advertise the extension to the designated area in accordance with the requirements of the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990.


To approve the recently prepared Langport & Huish Episcopi Conservation Area Appraisal and to formally designate an extension to the conservation area.

(Voting: 7 in favour, 1 against, 2 abstentions)

Supporting documents: