Agenda item

Planning application 14/03171/DPO - Ex showroom/garage and land rear of Long Orchard, Water Street, Martock.


Application proposal: Application to modify a Section 106 agreement dated 20 May 2014 relating to housing development.

The Area Lead presented the application as detailed in the agenda report. He highlighted that the layout was unchanged and the application was just to reduce the affordable housing element by two units overall but gaining a four bedroom house. Whilst regrettable, the applicant was entitled to a re-appraisal. The District Valuer had evaluated the proposal, and the officer recommendation was for approval.

Mr M Harding, agent, gave an overview of DCH – the Registered Social Landlord on this site. He noted the land had been obtained by Westco, a subsidiary of DCH, and any profit from market sales was gift-aided to DCH for affordable homes. The need for a four bedroom house was support by the SSDC Housing Team, and options for tenure had been discussed with Yarlington. The changes requested would ensure the homes are affordable and deliverable.

Ward member, Councillor Patrick Palmer commented he had no issues with the application.

Ward member, Councillor Graham Middleton, felt there should only be a loss of one dwelling rather than two. It was known there was a local need with many people waiting for homes.

During a short discussion, comments raised included:

·         Feel members are unable to make a decision without having sight of the financial papers

·         Members needed to have faith in officers and the District Valuer to have considered the financial aspect fully.

In response to comments raised, the Area Lead highlighted the conclusion of the District Valuer, read aloud an extract from their report and explained briefly the benchmark figure.

It was proposed to defer the application for members to receive advice from the District Valuer. On being put to the vote the proposal was carried 6 in favour, 1 against with 1 abstention.


That planning application 14/03171/DPO be DEFERRED for members to receive advice from the District Valuer.

(Voting: 6 in favour, 1 against, 1 abstention)

Supporting documents: