Agenda item

Presentation - Discover South Somerset - additional marketing to support flood affected businesses


The Tourist Information Centres Operations Supervisor provided members with a presentation about tourism marketing for areas affected by the flooding of 2013/2014. Her presentation included information about:

·         Public perception of flooding

·         Why extra marketing was needed

·         Consultation that had taken place

·         Proposed initiatives

·         An overview of the advertising campaign including a need for more promotional images

·         Press trips

·         Work to achieved over the next few weeks with regarding to publicity and websites

During a brief discussion members raised several comments and suggestions including that amateur photographers might be willing to provide good quality digital photos  more reference could be made to fishing in the area. The Area Development Manager (North), in response to a comment made, noted that there were issues around ownership of photographs and images when commissioning, as well as cost.

At the end of the discussion members congratulated the team on the excellent Discover brochure, and thanked the officer for her presentation.


That the presentation be noted.


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