Agenda item

Flood and Water Management


Steve Webster, Service Manager for Flood and Water Management at Somerset County Council (SCC) provided members with a presentation about flood risk management and the role of SCC as Lead Local Flood Authority (LLFA). The presentation included an overview about:

·         Responsibilities of the LLFA

·         Risk management authorities as defined by the Flood and Water Management Act, and the roles of each authority

·         Responsibilities of riparian and property owners

·         A summary of flood risk management – the bodies and types of watercourses

·         Potential changes, as yet to be confirmed by government, for flood risk management from 6 April 2015

Responses by the Service Manager to questions from members included:

·         With reference to riparian owners there are enforcement powers available, which were transferred to the LLFA in 2012, and timeframes for action varied depending on the circumstance

·         Depending on the nature of a watercourse, consent, and possibly planning permission, would be required for culverting.

·         Retrospective consents are not issued

·         Future management of SUDs was a concern and the issue was acknowledged

·         Groundwater issues are difficult to deal with and could often only be dealt with when the water reached the surface, but generally springs were within the remit of the LLFA

·         The Somerset Rivers Authority was a mechanism to increase funding for flood management and a means of co-ordinating the different bodies

At the end of the discussion, the Chairman thanked the Service Manager for attending and providing an informative presentation.


That the presentation be noted.


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