Agenda item

Planning application 14/04475/FUL - Crown Inn, Long Load


Proposal: Change of use from public house to two dwellings.

The Planning Officer outlined the proposal to convert the existing public house to two dwellings, creating a single storey and a two storey dwelling.  He said although it was unfortunate to lose a local amenity, there were no reasons to refuse the request as Parish Council objections had been withdrawn, a robust marketing exercise had been undertaken, there were no objections in terms of highway safety or residential amenity and he recommended approval. 

The Committee were then addressed by Mr R Collis in objection to the application.  He said that although he agreed to the change of use, he objected to the single storey dwelling which was to be constructed on the boundary line, which would be 3.25m from his property next door.  Access for construction and future maintenance would be required across his property and he questioned inaccuracies in the boundaries shown on the submitted plans. 

Ms J Montgomery, agent for the applicant, advised that the boundary wall was in the ownership of the applicant and they had the right to maintain it.  There were no proposals for windows in that elevation and the single storey dwelling was proposed to be a rental unit with the applicant occupying the two storey dwelling. 

One of the Ward Members, Councillor Graham Middleton, said the Parish Council regretted the loss of the public house and would rather it have some use in the village.  He felt the access at the front of the property was not good and there should be at least 3 parking spaces at the rear.

The other Ward Member, Councillor Patrick Palmer, regretted the incorporation of the boundary wall into the development which he felt was unnecessary and he asked for the planning officers views on the proposed parking.

The Area Lead Planning officer replied that the two spaces to the front of the single storey dwelling was sufficient and the although the plans for the two storey dwelling only indicated two spaces, there was sufficient space to provide more.  The existing single storey building was already built to the boundary line and any issues could be resolved through the Party Wall Act. 

Following a brief discussion, the officer’s recommendation was proposed and seconded and on being put to the vote was carried unanimously.


That planning application 14/04475/FUL be APPROVED, as per the officer recommendation.


It is accepted that there is a lack of demand for these premises either for commercial or community purposes and that, by reason of its location, nature and design, that the development is an appropriate form of development that raises no substantive highway safety, residential or visual amenity concerns and therefore accords with the aims and objectives of policies SD1, EP15, TA5, TA6, EQ2, EQ4 and EQ7 of the South Somerset Local Plan (2006-2028) as well as the provisions of the National Planning Policy Framework.



01.   The development hereby permitted shall be begun before the expiration of three years from the date of this permission.


        Reason:  To accord with the provisions of section 91(1) of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990.


02.   The development hereby permitted shall be carried out in accordance with the following approved plans drawings numbered TC1438/1, TC1438/2 and TC1438/3 submitted 06/10/2014.


        Reason: For the avoidance of doubt and in the interests of proper planning.


03.   In the event that contamination is found or is suspected to be present at the site when carrying out the approved development then development shall be halted (unless otherwise agreed in writing with the Local Planning Authority) and it must be reported in writing to the Local planning authority.  An investigation and risk assessment must be undertaken, in accordance with the requirements of BS10175 Year 2011 - Investigation Of Potentially Contaminated Sites Code of Practice, BS8485 year 2007 Code of Practice for the Characterization and Remediation from Ground Gas in Affected Developments, and CLR 11 Model Procedures For The Management Of Land Contamination, issued by The Environment Agency, and any remedial proposals submitted and agreed in writing prior to the recommencement of the development.


        Reason: In order to safeguard against the risk of contamination to accord with policy EQ7 of the South Somerset Local Plan 2006-2028.


04.   The development hereby permitted shall not be commenced unless particulars of the materials (including the provision of samples where appropriate) to be used for external walls and roofs have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority.


        Reason: In the interest of visual amenity to accord with policy EQ2 of the South Somerset Local Plan 2006-2028.


05.   Notwithstanding the provisions of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order 1995 (or any order revoking and re-enacting that Order with or without modification), no additional windows, or other openings (including doors) shall be formed in south elevation of the single-storey dwelling hereby permitted without the prior express grant of planning permission.


        Reason: To safeguard residential amenity in accordance with policy EQ2 of the South Somerset Local Plan 2006-2028.


(Voting: unanimous in favour)

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