Agenda item

Planning application 15/00074/FUL - Land between Wheelwrights Cottage and Iberry, Marshway, Curry Mallet.


Proposal: Proposed erection of dwelling and garage.

The Planning Officer advised that the proposal was an infill development between two cottages on the outskirts of Curry Mallet.  Although the proposed dwelling was not dissimilar to those already there it was remote from the village, on a narrow unlit road and did not meet any local housing need, and was therefore contrary to policy so the recommendation was to refuse. 

The Committee were then addressed by Mr L Frazer of Curry Mallet Parish Council who said the neighbours were aware of the application and had raised no objections and the Parish Council fully supported the development as a small increase in housing was good for the village. 

The Committee were then addressed by Mr M Williams, agent for the applicant, who said the application would provide a home for a young local couple, in a village with a full range of services.  He said the distances were well within accepted guidelines for walking or cycling to the village centre. 

The Ward Member, Councillor Sue Steele, spoke of the thriving local community in Curry Mallet and she said there was no better place for a young family to live.

There was no debate and it was proposed and seconded to approve the application as it was a sustainable location and provided a much needed family unit.  On being put to the vote the proposal to approve the application was carried unanimously.


That planning application 15/00074/FUL be APPROVED, contrary to the officer recommendation.


The proposed dwelling, sited between existing dwellings would provide a much needed unit of smaller family housing in this rural settlement without detriment to visual amenity, the amenities of existing residents or highways safety. As such the proposal complies with policies SS1, SD1, SS2, TA5, TA6, EQ1 and EQ2 of the South Somerset Local Plan 2006-2028 and the policies contained within the National Planning Policy Framework.


1.    Time limit

2.    Materials

3.    Landscaping

4.    Plans 

(Voting: unanimous in favour)

Supporting documents: